List of Sheets/Boards
Board 1: Client Board
Board 2: Program Board
Board 3: Site Analysis
Board 4: Diagramatic Site layout
Board 5: Precedent Studies
Board 6: Conceptual Massing Diagrams + Final Showing how boxes were used
This should show how the boxes and the extra 400sf was used. Could be shown over greyed floorplans.
Board 7: Enlarged Bathroom Layout showing plan, elevations, materials and fixtures
Board 8: Enlarged Kitchen Layout showing plan, elevations, materials and appliances
Board 9: Site Plan showing landscaping, paving, exterior furniture…
This can have the roof plan and show the terraces. Every piece of your site must be planned – even if it is just grass or pavers…. Show images of the furniture, materials…
Board 10: Elevations showing exterior materials, lighting, people and landscaping
Board 11: Sections (2 min.) showing furniture, people
The section should show the paint colors, materials and furniture in elevation/section. People are a must!!!
Board 12-15?: Floor Plans (may need more than 1 board) showing paving, furniture
There should be one floor plan per sheet surrounded by the materials (flooring, rugs, carpets… and all the furniture that you have drawn in your floor plans) kitchen will be shown on its own sheet – so you can leave it out. 3/16” = 1’-0” will work well.
Board 15-19?: Reflected Ceiling Plans (may need more than 1 board) showing light fixture cuts –
Board 20?: Images of Model: Physical and Computer generated
All boards must be in color and have people and trees where ever possible. You must show an image of everything that you are using in your house. You must have a final model (physical) of your project. 3/16” = 1’-0”