Stick Curtain Wall Assembly

Timestamps: NOTE WATCH VIDEO @ 2X Speed

  • 0:20 – 0:35 Steel to Concrete Connection
  • 0:41 – Exterior Mullion Assembly
  • 1:00 – Horizontal to Vertical Connection
  • 1:20 – 1:30 – Gasket Installation
  • 1:40 – Lift of mullion onto the concrete slab
  • 2:00 – Use of appropriate Hardware
  • 2:42 – Installation of Glazing
  • 3:17 – Corner Installation
  • 3:30 – Installation of Window Sill
  • Remainder show window disassembly

King – Sample Fixed Animation

This is from today’s class.  Included are the still screen captures – the original PowerPoint and the PowerPoint as a PDF file.  Remember to view it correctly you need to be in full screen mode in PowerPoint or PDF – for the PDF you must download the file first to view it properly.



  1. Still Animation Sample – PowerPoint
  2. Still Animation Sample – PDF
  3. Still Images

Modified Grading Percentages & Class Schedule – All sections

To accommodate the loss of time and the modified schedule for the Spring of 2020 we have updated the grading percentages for the various projects assigned this semester.  We will spend the rest of the semester focused on the two 3D model assemblies (Opaque & Glass Curtain Wall).

We will not go back to working on the Revit drawing set.  Each professor will notify you about any additional collection dates for this drawing set.

Updated Schedule
WK Topic Tuesday Thursday
Week 1 Exterior Backup Wall 14-Apr 16-Apr
Week 2 Curtain Wall Systems Overview 21-Apr 23-Apr
Week 3 Structural Glazed Curtain Wall 28-Apr 30-Apr
Week 4 Parapets & Footings 5-May 7-May
Week 5 Windows & Doors 12-May 14-May
Week 6 Final Presentations 19-May 21-May