First Journal Entry


This information can be found on City Tech’s website.

This summer, I am interning at the Office of Image and Visual Communications. The office is a private company, within a small but spacious suite. It is located at 16 Court Street on the 6th floor. The company primarily focuses on City Tech’s branding message, which contributes to all promotional and communication materials that reflects the college’s identity and impact. At this time, the company is working through partnership with CBS to reach a broader audience for future enrollment.

The double doors that welcomes me every morning into Suite 600.

My work atmosphere is often quiet and everyone is kind. It is also diverse, too. The office has a photoshoot area, about 10 small offices, and four separate cubicle spaces. I have my own little station where I can set up my laptop with access to desk drawers and printers as well. The department focuses on:

  • brand identity
  • photography/film
  • graphic design
  • web design
  • communication design  (digital and print)