Individual Strengths

Never been a person to “brag or boast” but I do have attributes about myself that i want to acknowledge.  Let me start off by describing myself as a hardworking person I believe that effort and consistency is key in becoming successful. I never been someone who believed in negative thoughts because if we knew how powerful our mind is in directing our lives we wouldn’t want to think another negative thought but they do come but the key is to ignore them don’t let it redirect your focus. With cancelling the negative thoughts i become a positive-minded person, though challenges do appear being positive minded and optimistic gives me that drive, and knowing that the road will be cleared just get over the obstacles first.

Self-disciplined, is an attribute i must mention because it has got me so far in life. Being able to stay focus and get things done requires the ability to be self-disciplined. If i were to say yes to all the things i wanted to do for fun, postpone that assignment for later and procrastinate everything I would not be the person I am today. In order to be self-disciplined it required me to have my priorities in order,  which leads me to my next strength of being organized. I am a very organized person even up to the color of clothing in my closet everything has to be arrange by color and i keep that same mindset with my work I come in i make sure i arrange all my medications, get the supplies i need for the shift, get the number to the doctors covering all my patients, all so if anything happens i wouldn’t need to be running back and forth, this saves me a lot of time and eases the shift. Those are my 3 qualities hard worker, self-disciplined, and being organized.