Learning Self-Analysis

As i stated in my introduction I am currently a RN-BSN student at NYCCT. As a student i’ve always told myself hard work and perseverance gets your where you want to be, and i live by that. During nursing school, i faced the toughest times of my academic life, where studying and praying for the best became a normal to me, i never studied this much in my entire life so i needed to organize myself and have my priorities in order orĀ  this program like i said to myself is going to “eat me alive”. The adjustment wasn’t easy, lost friends along the way, some relationships faded, old habits broke, all of this to reach my goal of becoming an RN and it was definitely was worth it, i went straight through the program not a single fail, i say that to say being fully focus and giving something your all, increases the chances you will succeed and not fail. As a current BSN student life has been more balanced, coming to class and having meaningful class discussions with my peers,Ā  working in groups, writing papers which has truly gave me a opportunity to really grow as a writer something i dreaded doing in the past i now look at it as a hobby and a way to share my interpretation of a topic using evidenceĀ  from peer-reviewed articles to back my statement up.

Pursuing my Bachelors degree in nursing has allow me to grow professionally as a RN, having a deeper insight into topics such as culture, leadership, quality of care, stress burnout, communicating with patients, and just culture. All of these topics and discussions were very educating and i gained a lot more knowledge and insight into whats going on behind the scene in the nursing world, how burnout and stress can lead mistakes occurring on the job, and the importance of self-care. Writing was something i didn’t like but as i began my baccalaureate classes i knew it would need fixing, so every paper that my professor critiqued i would learn from it and this allowed me to grow as a writer. All in all its been a great experience and look forward to my completion of the program and becoming a more knowledgeable nurse. Though challenges are present especially currently with the COVID-19 pandemic I’m still glad that i have an opportunity to progress in the field of nursing while gaining a life-time of experience and helping patients recover from this virus at the same time. Like i said the job of a nurse isn’t easy but it is gratifying.