Site Report 3

Dear students,

Here is site report 3.

Site Report 3

A few reminders:

  1. Follow the document naming protocol when saving and posting your work on OpenLab:SiteReport#Letter.LastnameFirstname. Example: SiteReport2B.SwiftChristopher.
  2. Carefully read the prompts on the site report and make sure you fully understand them before attending the performance. We will go over Site Report 3 in detail on October 3.
  3. Bring the site report with you to the performance and take notes before, during, and after the show.
  4. Do not answer ALL the questions on Part A of the site report. You need to answer prompts in the appropriate section, depending on whether you attended a show in a permanent or temporary performance space.
  5. Purchase tickets ASAP and set the date on your calendars!