Author Archives: scarlett

In Class Group Assignment-Scarlett Ramirez and Jose-Lyne

Social Issue: Residential Segregation

Why is this social issue a problem? Because it limits minorities from having being able to live in better and more desirable neighborhoods. It creates ethnic discrimination and racial profiling.

what are some of the causes and effects of this issue?

causes: racism, social status, gentrification

who does this issue impact? minorities

relevant keywords used: residential segregation and gentrification and NYC

find 2 relevant sources & brief explanation of the sources:

  1. Major de Blasio , in this article working on giving minorities the opportunity to affordable housing and the ability to move freely to other neighborhoods that were cultural and traditional exclusive. Citation:Anonymous. “NYC Charged with Perpetuating Residential Segregation in Housing.” New York Beacon, 2015, p. 11.
  2. This article talks about the  Fair Housing Act ,fight against gentrification and its challenges, city situated affordable housing  Citation:Hannah Weinstein. “Fighting for a Place Called Home: Litigation Strategies for Challenging Gentrification.” UCLA Law Review, vol. 62, 2015, pp. 794–1642.





Blog 2-Scarlett Ramirez

According to the reading “The right to the site walk” by Cahill, society cannot track humanity failure or disorganization but, we can track how they are contributing to the city or the neighborhood. However, it all depends on how we allow society to treat us and how we want to be seen. I do understand the struggles people of color and even Hispanics go through every day, and how much they compete to be seen as part of society. But sometimes, is hard to prove what type of people we are. The majority of us are treated with no respect and have been discriminated as well. However, most of the time we act In a way that allows people to manage us in  that specific way. Most people say this is the land of diversity but, sometimes, you don’t fit in, even though it is the place you belong to. Personally, there are places where I feel completely off, just by walking around that neighborhood or even only by dressing up differently. It may sound out of place but, sometimes white people look at you with anger, racism or discrimination. There is something in their eyes, that can hurt more than words. It is entirely uncomfortable to be seen that way. I can’t imagine how people of color or Hispanics feel when they have been stopped by their appearance only. The point is police officers should be more humane and consider that we are all equal and deserve the same rights as any other US citizen and New Yorker. We also need to find our roots and not feel ashamed of what we are even if we are seen differently. It’s a bit contradictory but, we need to act with responsibility, confidence, and intelligence to be treated as we deserve. We need to fight with respect for what we deserve. In response to the readings of Eisenberg and Cahill, there is no place where people can be served equally. This topic of racial discrimination is not only happening here but, around the world. There is no place where people can feel free to express themselves and be seen purely okay. There will always be something people of color and Hispanics will be criticized about, and that can’t be changed; not yet. All we see now is hypocrisy all around, and we need to change that.
On the other hand, according to “Fallen Fruit,” this culture seem to enjoy the experience to explore around LA picking up fallen fruits. It is a way to gather a community together, and encourage them to become united as a whole and work as a group to get to know each other. This idea of engaging people is such a great way to allow a community to engage and be part of society. It seems to be these group of people are more flexible and open to overcome racial discrimination. Since society cannot track humanity failure but, can track what a community do as a whole, is always a good option to work together to overcome the obstacles and stereotypes. We need to consider that is better to fight as a community, to be heard and respected.

Blog #1

According to the reading “Occupying Public Space” by Frank and Huang, the use of space is negotiated by the people;(their necessities and responsibilities). However, people tend to jump or skip some regulations that might affect, not only their arguments, opinions or protest but, the interaction and purpose of the message given to the rest of the community. At some point, Zuccotti Park became a crowded space that changed the environment completely, attracting and bringing prisoners and homeless into the park. This new change at Zuccotti Park, lead to the enforcement of new regulations. Even though demonstrators were able to(legally use the space to express themselves) some regulations were established before and enforce later on, besides all regulation though, changes OWS was able to enact what they believed in and became news. On the other hand, the reading by Gan Golan; “The Office of the People”, supports the idea of having a public space, where everyday people feel comfortable and able to express what they like or not. According to Gan, people have to follow certain rules everywhere; work, home, and  public spaces. Also in order to achieve an status, we must have a degree, connections, money or power to express ourselves and be heard. However, there is no space where people feel free to express what they need, there are no places for everyday people to not feel trapped and forced to do something they don’t feel like doing. Golan also explains and compare an institution with everyday people. Institutions require to be express, to interact, communicate and have confidence in order to evolve and get the work done, people need the same in order to be better citizens and be part of the community. According to “The Artist Will Have to Decide Whom to Serve” by Jeanne Van Heewisjk, culture affects people and their environment. Peoples beliefs, traditions, and ideas play an important role on social transformations, Even though, culture might be an exclusive topic, this has a huge impact on the creation of new ideas and public interactions. However, culture not always allows people to interact properly or to express any idea without hurting others. Jeanne questions all of this situations and asks us if it’s possible to communicate with manners and respect. The idea is to live in an environment where interaction and communication become part of been responsible and educated in such a way people can interact with respect and pride.

Scarlett Ramirez