Author Archives: ALopez

Internship: Journal 8

This Internship experience has helped me with working in a group, learning how a private company works, and giving me the opportunity to work with an employer who cares about her work and those who work for her. During a … Continue reading

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Internship: Journal 7

With the progress of the videos and shows that are being completed with the collaborative efforts of the boss, a fellow intern, and myself, I can safely say that my contribution as an intern has been successful. When I was … Continue reading

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Internship: Journal 6

This passed week, I have been given more projects to do, which has helped me in learning how to manage those multiple projects at one time, and to keep the work flow going. The projects I have mostly been working … Continue reading

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Internship: Journal 5

A collaborative project that I have recently worked on is a Time Machine for the virtual museum. It is supposed to turn on and show a toy from years ago while giving historical information about it. I drew the machine … Continue reading

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Internship: Journal 4

All of the work we do is digital, besides when I use traditional means for more unique projects or remakes like the Time Machine and the stanchion. I had to build a Time Machine that could open, close, and whirl … Continue reading

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Internship: Journal 3

The attire for my workplace is informal, but still decent considering that we work to create kid-friendly content, and that we usually work in places where kids would go to like the library and the theater. We usually work in … Continue reading

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Internship: Journal 2

My role in the Toy Museum is to illustrate new ideas or remake new objects that will be shown in the video presentations for the virtual museum, and to animate a few objects for the videos. The founder of the … Continue reading

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Internship: Journal 1

Amber Lopez: Internship at The Toy Museum of New York, Department of Communication Design, NYCCT/CUNY, Summer semester. The private, not-for -profit, company that I am currently interning for is called The Toy Museum of New York. It’s located in Brooklyn, … Continue reading

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Hello there! My name is Amber Lopez, and welcome to my ePortfolio!

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