Instagram Post Project

Project Description

Create an Instagram post for a brand according to the original campaign.


Original campaign

Sakeru Gummy is a fruit-flavored rippled fruity strip candy with a peelable manner manufactured by the company UHA Mikakuto. The original Sakeru Gummy is an ordinary candy that comes in small bites. The extended product line “Long Sakeru Gummy” is 40 cm long and allows customers to peel it in whatever length they prefer.


In the beginning, I was focused on the aesthetic of the post so I tried to enrich it by using a combination of yellow and purple for the background. But then I realized that Advertisement campaigns are more than just creating an eye-catching ad, I have to focus on the product itself and how to connect the original commercial with this post and to attract customers. The purpose of creating advertisements is to raise awareness for and interest in your products or services. A successful ad is to make the features product stand out at first sight when people see the post.

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