DEN 1114 Histology Presentation: Spina Bifida
Spina bifida is a type of neural tube defect – a condition that affects the spine and is apparent at birth. It occurs during the third and fourth weeks of the embryonic period of the prenatal development. The importance of this assignment is to understand how an embryonic development anomaly impact dental treatment and to be sensitive to individual’s needs in the clinical setting.

DEN 1200 Table Clinic Poster: The Association between Coffee Consumption and Periodontal Health
The purpose of this project is to develop and hone research skills. After choosing a topic that interested me and my partner (Nastassia Liaushun), we utilized City Tech’s library database to find peer-reviewed articles to determine the relationship between coffee consumption and periodontal health. We concluded that coffee can inhibit the growth of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that cause dental caries. Additionally, moderate consumption of black coffee is recommended as it does not contain any additives. At the end, this project enhanced my knowledge in finding scholarly research articles and brought my attention that diet influences oral health.

DEN 2300 Case Presentation: Hypertensive Patient
For this project, we had to select a patient that had a medical condition that required special consideration during treatment. My patient has hypertension and hyperlipidemia, and is taking medications for both conditions. He also has severe recession, multiple implants, and heavy calculus. The importance of this assignment is to present the selected patient’s profile, case/conditions, and treatment plan in a coherent manner and to demonstrate critical thinking skills in patient management. Through this project, I became more sensitive in adjusting my treatment plan according to patient’s medical conditions and needs.