Personal Statement of Philosophy about Nursing

Personal Statement of Beliefs/Philosophy about Nursing

These personal philosophy of nursing serves as a guide for professional practice in nursing. The most importance ideas are providing ethical healthcare, striving for clinical excellence, and pursuing lifelong learning which includes using evidence-based practice.

In nursing practice we have been taught important pillars of thought in nursing and healthcare are preservation of patient’s right to privacy, confidentiality, and ethical healthcare. While performing nursing care it needs to involve assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation, it needs to be done with dignity, respect, and should be patient-centric. Clinical excellence encompasses concepts of leadership, collaboration, constant self-evaluation, and self-improvement. Healthcare is a massive machinery with many moving parts which asks a lot from healthcare workers. The fact that it is not a perfect system that is fraught with problems means there are a lot of potential solutions. Innovative ideas like shared governance, constant organizational learning, and collaborative decision making needs to be the focus. Also, lifelong learning becomes not a personal choice, but a necessary way of life because healthcare is changing immensely, and the next frontier looks to be evermore technology driven. Using evidence and research to drive your clinical practice requires one to be abreast of the latest research and recommendations for nursing practice.