Teaching Methodologies

Subject & Teaching environment:

In the MET department I teach several freshmen and upper-level classes. Freshman level classes that I teach includes Computer Aided Manufacturing systems, MECH 1201, a core course for both AAS and BTECH programs in MET department. Typically, twenty (20) students are enrolled in this class. This course is conducted mostly (80%) in the computer equipped classroom with exposure to the Advanced Manufacturing software. Reminder (20%) of the class is conducted in the Manufacturing lab, where students get hands on training on Advanced computer-controlled manufacturing machines including CNC milling machine. The class is conducted once a week for a 3-hour contact period. I usually follow a textbook and curriculum prescribed by the department; however, I make changes in the course contents as appropriate for the students and contemporary with technologies. Among the upper-level courses, I often teach MECH 2430-Thermodynamics. Like MECH 1201, I designed the content of this course with 20% hands-on HVAC lab.  While teaching these courses I implement few methodologies which are as follows-

Student Outcome (SO)

Teaching should always have the definitive outcome. There are some specific outcomes for engineering Technology students set by ABET. During the design and instruction, I usually follow those outcomes.  One of such outcomes of those courses was the ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve well-defined engineering problems. I also followed middle state assessment criteria (www.msche.org) to comply with the student outcomes. Particularly in MECH 1201, I included metrology; CAD/CAM based manufacturing process, machine design, customer relations and statistical quality control with a strong focus on hands on projects and industrial exposure which helped obtaining the desired SOs.


Another method I apply in the class is asking students the key reason to enroll into the class. By using this technique, I can easily determine if the students have clear vision and focus about the engineering program. To do this, I give a set of questions, indicating why students want to study mechanical engineering, why they want to learn manufacturing process and how can computer aid in manufacturing. My goal is to get a general understanding on which students have more aptitude on the course fundamentals. In those icebreaking event, I found key differences in the responses from freshmen and upper-level students. Although, Upper-level students usually displayed more maturity and resilience in pursuing engineering degrees than freshmen students, I believe icebreaking introduction builds confidence and helps in retention.

Reverse Engineering

While I teach engineering courses with less attention to mathematics, I bring any practical engineering portfolio to their attention. Product design is one of such classes where I encourage students to think beyond the periphery of the lab instructions and the importance of the concept to its broader impact in engineering science. In this course, I assign students to reverse engineer the existing products and make critical analysis on further development. While teaching courses on Engineering Materials, often I challenge students to redesign the experimental setup with the goal of improved data collection and assessment of materials properties. Per the course evaluation reports, my strategies helped students in effectively retaining the information and explaining how a redesign affects the outcome of the experimental approach.

Balance in Portfolio

I found the importance of balancing of portfolio in the Engineering Materials (MECH 2322) course. In the materials testing lab, I engaged students into testing and analyzing of the mechanical properties of various engineering materials. Then I asked them to select materials for various mechanical system including automotive system. Based on the materials selection I also instructed how to design, model and manufacture automotive components. My teaching approach helped students in understanding the effective way of designing and controlling experiments. An experiment only turns out to be successful if it follows a well thought through plan and a test matrix targeting the specific goal/objectives. My philosophy was guiding the students in developing efficient experimental technique through the understanding of experimental process, data acquisition with close tolerance and interpretation of results with statistical significance.

Live Grading

Grading the student activity during the class period. Since the class is heavily dependent on computer activity, I usually show the tutorials in the class and later give them a similar task. Once they perform the task, I grade them right away. This encourages the students in intensive utilization of their class hours and actively engage with the instructor. This also encourages the students to attend each class.

Group Project

Often, I prepare groups of two/three students and ask the groups to create their own projects. I let the students to choose their group partners and allow them to feel comfortable with them. I also evaluate the merit of the project and if needed I assign a new project for  further refinement and accomplishment.

Universal Design of Learning (UDL)

While designing a course or teaching a class, a professor should keep in mind that, ‘Learning is for all’. Therefore, the course-materials should be easily accessible to the students with limitations and disabilities. I developed several open-lab course materials where I addressed those group of students. I was fully aware of those students’ situations and provided full support to take their tests in the testing accommodations specifically designed for the students with disability. I was constantly in touch with the Disability Service Center (DSC) to provide the appropriate service needed for the disability. I also participated into the online sessions for teaching high functioning people with Autism. This gave me a wonderful opportunity to handle issues with their forgetfulness, classroom activities and interpersonal behavior.  I found that, given little but very important care, the students with disabilities are fully capable of upholding their academic course loads and in many cases outperform in their courses with quantitative analysis and mathematical problem solving.

I also have learned teaching undergraduate students with disabilities. Few students in my class expressed their limited ability in apprehending the class lectures and responding to class activities. I personally discussed their issues with themselves and helped them outside the class hours. Few of my developed courses can be found in open-lab under creative commons license. These courses are as follows-

  1. https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/mech-2333/.
  2. https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/mech2322-egr-235/

Non-physical Instruction

Developing online courses is an essential skill for an educator particularly when physical instruction is inaccessible.  I developed online learning courses using Blackboard, and Open Lab. Using these tools, I often kept my students engaged in the course-based activities while they are away from the classroom.


Designing of a product is equally engineering and creative art. In senior design project, I prefer giving students a freedom in thinking about how engineering can solve the global and universal problems.  I found that Nominal group thinking (NGT) and Empowerment improved the project management and leadership skills of the students, which later helped them successful in their career