Landing an Internship

I was decisive and assertive in applying for the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center (BIWTC). The work that they help produce and organize aligned with some of my long term visions in life. The BIWTC provides a broad range of workforce preparation and educational services to students enrolled in the Division of Continuing Education and to adult residents of New York City. They ensure those students experience a chance at pursuing their dream job or career.

I was able to secure an interview with BIWTC and the experience was promising and exciting. I had never done an interview over zoom, so I was slightly nervous. I simply needed to reassure to myself that this was the internship I was going to get. After the greeting and introduction process, my supervisors gauged my capacity for collaboration and organization. I could tell they wanted to relate my goals and aspirations and my work values to see where I could fit it within the BIWTC. Overall, the interview was a great experience. My supervisors were very informative in getting me caught up with goals of the training center.

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