Ethical Reasoning 1

`1A) In my internship with the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center, part of my responsibilities requires to source images that are stocked, yet high quality to avoid copyright infringement. Depending on the project, however, images are sourced in very specific fashion. One of the projects that I had worked on required me to only choose images with people who are not Caucasian because majority of their audience and who they are trying to appeal to are, simply, not Caucasian. There’s a standard that had been set by the school’s enrollment department that bleeds into the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center. For logos and trademarks, the AIGA emphasizes the value of preservation of trademarks and logos while avoiding any misrepresentation or misuse that could potentially take place.

1B) Although I did not sign a non-disclosure agreement the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center, the AIGA emphasizes that all professional designers should treat all works and knowledge of a client’s business as confidential. It’s immensely important to understand and value the unspoken rules of dealing with clientele.

Sources: “AIGA Business Ethics: Use of Photography” ; “AIGA Business Ethics: Client’s Guide to Design”