Ethical Reasoning 2

2A) Although I have never directly used another creative’s work, aside from stock photography, I have been heavily influenced by some. Throughout my internship experience here at the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center, I have heavily leaned to a simple and minimalist approach to my designs, yet contemporary, with a touch of elegance. My work is to be credited to the many architecture design layouts of many of the great minimal design architects out there. Many of their projects are minimal, yet captivating. Therefore, I approached my projects with the same aesthetic. The AIGA does emphasize on honesty and integrity when working professionally, which I abide to.

2B) Shepard Fairy received what I believe to be a deserved punishment for the fraud that he committed. Although he apologized for it afterwards, the deed had already been done and his work jeopardized the credibility of his other works.

Sources: “AIGA Business Ethics: Use of Illustrations” ; “Shepard Fairey is Fined and Sentenced to Probation in Hope Poster Case

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