Ethical Reasoning 2

2A) Although I have never directly used another creative’s work, aside from stock photography, I have been heavily influenced by some. Throughout my internship experience here at the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center, I have heavily leaned to a simple and minimalist approach to my designs, yet contemporary, with a touch of elegance. My work is to be credited to the many architecture design layouts of many of the great minimal design architects out there. Many of their projects are minimal, yet captivating. Therefore, I approached my projects with the same aesthetic. The AIGA does emphasize on honesty and integrity when working professionally, which I abide to.

2B) Shepard Fairy received what I believe to be a deserved punishment for the fraud that he committed. Although he apologized for it afterwards, the deed had already been done and his work jeopardized the credibility of his other works.

Sources: “AIGA Business Ethics: Use of Illustrations” ; “Shepard Fairey is Fined and Sentenced to Probation in Hope Poster Case

Reflecting on the Internship

The internship with BIWTC was overall a good experience. I had a great time connecting with the team and getting to know each teammate. I appreciated the feedback that I was given for each of the projects that I completed. If you are looking to broaden your skills as a designer through the Adobe software, Microsoft software, or even Google software, an internship with BIWTC is one I would definitely recommend.

Ethical Reasoning 1

`1A) In my internship with the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center, part of my responsibilities requires to source images that are stocked, yet high quality to avoid copyright infringement. Depending on the project, however, images are sourced in very specific fashion. One of the projects that I had worked on required me to only choose images with people who are not Caucasian because majority of their audience and who they are trying to appeal to are, simply, not Caucasian. There’s a standard that had been set by the school’s enrollment department that bleeds into the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center. For logos and trademarks, the AIGA emphasizes the value of preservation of trademarks and logos while avoiding any misrepresentation or misuse that could potentially take place.

1B) Although I did not sign a non-disclosure agreement the Business and Industry Workforce Training Center, the AIGA emphasizes that all professional designers should treat all works and knowledge of a client’s business as confidential. It’s immensely important to understand and value the unspoken rules of dealing with clientele.

Sources: “AIGA Business Ethics: Use of Photography” ; “AIGA Business Ethics: Client’s Guide to Design”

Self Evaluation

Although work would sometimes overlapped with school work, there really wasn’t anything negative about my experience here at BIWTC. That could even be the only con. However, the pros would include good communication across the board. I communicated with my supervisors via email consistently with daily check-ins. I also had two great teammates and supervisors. I was even offered to stay longer by the head supervisor. Overall, I feel like I was able to advanced my skills both personally and professionally.

Project 2 – Creating Two Presentations

Two future classes need presentations to be created and presented to the board/district so that the classes can become approved by the city. So I created two informational decks on the overview, benefits, eligibility, and goal of the classes. The first was for the HVAC Training that is projected to start in Spring or Fall of 2024 and the second is for a class sponsored by the New York Housing Authority.

What is BIWTC?

Understanding what BIWTC (Business & Industry Workforce Training Center) is about was key to me going a full head of steam for this internship. Like previously stated in Landing an Internship, the BIWTC provides a broad range of workforce preparation and educational services to students enrolled in the Division of Continuing Education and to adult residents of New York City. They ensure those students experience a chance at pursuing their dream job or career. 

Understanding that the BIWTC collaborates citywide with college departments, external education entities, and human service providers to plan, develop and deliver activities and programs helped me scope who my audience was when producing work for the non-profit organization.

Lastly, what enabled me to pursue this internship was the realization that their mission is to provide a broad range of vocational and educational services to unemployed and underemployed residents of New York City.