14 thoughts on “Feedback for Amenah”

  1. I liked your essay and how inspiring it was.   You pushed yourself to be a better person and  finish high school early. This was a very inspiring essay and I wish I was able to do the same.

  2. I loved your essay. I saw in your how much excited you was for college and how much hard work you did for that. I also liked that how you manage your time and how you did extra study to graduate early.

  3. your story was quite inspiring to read.  I like how you were able to finish high school early. because if your older sibling could do so can you  mindset. I love how you were motivated and  did not give up.Which i did not have in my first year of class. 

  4. Amenah, I thought your essay was really great and I feel like your essay was clear and easy to follow. Your grammar was great, In my opinion I wouldn’t change anything about your essay its great as is.

  5. Amenah, I thought your essay was really great and I feel like your essay was clear and easy to follow. Your grammar was great, In my opinion I wouldn’t change anything about your essay its great as is.

  6. This was amazing to read,I didn’t see any mistakes and your sentence structure flowed nicely.I loved how you strived at a young age to perform so well in school,not many people can say they have or ever felt motivated to put the time and effort as you did into their education.It would be nice if you talked about having any any friends and the transportation you had to take to new jersey.

  7. Amenah, you are so brave and you really did go through a lot of stress to graduate early. Your experience is so relatable because, I once too had the option to graduate early but, I didn’t simply because I wanted to do four years of dance in high school. Anyways, you had great structure within your essay and I am glad you overcame all the stress and did what you had to do to graduate early. Good job!

  8. I loved your essay because it shows how determined of a person you are. I would love to hear more about the obstacles you went through and how it made you stronger.

  9. I can almost feel all the hard work and dedication that you had on that Junior year, It really impacted me to read how hard it was for you and I believe that you most be really proud with the final result and there is nothing wrong about that.

  10. I loved you essay, you were so motivated to finish school earlier and you did it. With a lot of hard work and dedication you can get where you want to be and you should be proud of yourself. I liked how you looked up to other people in life and that kept you motivated in what you wanted to do

  11. Your essay was very inspiring! 4.0 and an advanced regents diploma within 3 years is no easy feat and with sacrifices to some social events. I really enjoyed reading the essay, and it gave me some motivation honestly.

  12. Amenah, your essay had very smooth transitions and in my opinion you didn’t really have any grammar mistakes. As always your essay was enjoyable t0 read and very motivational.

  13. great job , this essay was really good i liked how you had to overcome big obstacles and you were proud to bring it to the table

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