18 thoughts on “Feedback for Nicholas”

  1. it was a good story, but there were grammatical mistakes like the choice of word and Sentence Fragments. which are all fixable, another suggestion is to read it out loud before submitting the assignment.

  2. I thought your essay was really good the only issue for me was the grammar . Also, I would fix the format of the essay a little bit but other than that your essay was really good.

  3. I loved how you tell your story and take some time out to gives a lesson about ego, I think that it is very true that nobody is invincible and that there is always somebody better than you and that’s why we should never stop practicing and getting better and better through practice.

  4. You’re essay was good but you should work on rewording some sentences.,It confused me a bit but Alison work on proof reading it a few times before submitting it . The lesson you learned was good though.

  5. You’re essay was good but you should work on rewording some sentences.,It confused me a bit but Alison work on proof reading it a few times before submitting it . The lesson you learned was good though.

  6. This experience was well explained and definitely is relatable to me.Having a big ego never turns out well in the end ,it’s good to have confidence but not too much confidence because you never know what will happen whenever you arrive at a competition,I’ve always learned this the hard way by losing in chess,just because someone was a lower ranking than me I would always go easy and end up in a losing position.All in all try to capitalize your “I”’s in every sentence and a few grammar mistakes.

  7. You have a really good message regarding your educational experience but, I think structuring it differently and watching out for grammatical errors would be great.

  8. I liked the idea of what you were talking about but had an issue with the structure of some of the sentences and the wording. Maybe take another look at it but great essay though.

  9. I like the overall idea of your story, when you have high expectations you get disappointed easier. People learn things better the hard way which sucks fir some but is better for others, i enjoyed how you mentioned people have bug egos because that is very true only thing to look out for more is your grammar a lot

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