Future jobs

Pigeon planes

  • I would love to work for Pigeon Planes because they are centered around a really awesome group of musicians. They promote a lot of up and coming artists and with my design and advertising expertise we could really help them get to the big time. I love how independent and different they are from other music journalism sites. I feel like i can really strive in that type of environment.

Webster Hall

  • i think id do an amazing job advertising for a major concert venue. Webster hall being one of the most popular in New York City makes me really want to connect to it and make it pop off more. I love the idea of being part of the music environment and promoting live music. I would hope to do online advertising, print advertising, and general buzz for them. Create a lot hype for the up coming events and parties.

Any Large scale company

  • just working in the advertisement field would make me endlessly happy. It somewhere i know i can find happiness and push my abilities at. The more i find that i am inspiring thought and actions the happier i will be. The Happier I am the better my work is.