Visual Quote Project


These were the first concepts that i had created for this quote which was from the bible Proverbs 26:11 ” As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.” My idea was to take one of my favorite quotes rather than being a goof ball and do something that is deep and serious to me as an individual.

this was my first concept and I wanted to go for a realistic shaped dog rather than a cartoon dog and since the quote was based off of a dog I had to use the dog as my main highlight. I also enjoy the elements of organic shapes and different colored words to emphasis points in the quote.

The second one is my favorite one because I love the cartoonist feel I went for and I used less colored text to make it more legible. I also went this route because its much easier to balance between the background and the image itself and it flows much better than the first one.

For my final concept I used the quote without the use of the dog and focused more on the weight of the words for a eye flowing feel. The last one is least favorite because I like more visuals rather than just text but i overcame that by the vomit within the back ground giving it an artist look either way.

A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio