Monthly Archives: September 2017

Headphones ad and hearing loss PSA/ headphones AD

Article Smmary

The article ” heathy hearing champaign” is an call on action article, the purpose is to tell young people to turn down their headphone volume. Because you can lost your hearing by expose to high volume music, high volume sound does kill the sensitive of your hearing transmitter. I think the reason they start this champaign is because more and more people are reported to their doctor having a hearing problem in such a young age. people should pay attention on what they do everyday, and it preventable.

My image solution will be:  have my model wearing a sleep ear bug, close up shoot with the ear and half face. with type solution: this is how your hearing sound like in 10 years, turn down your volume today.


Headphone AD

We decide as a group, we choose Beats by dre headphone. This is a headphone brand that emphasis style, they have many color choice, plus they hired professional musician and athlete to do brand endorsement.their target is young people that want high quality music but want to be stylish at the same time.

My image solution will be: I will ask my model to put color on her face the emphasize color of the headphone, also look enjoy and having fun with with music. Cesar will bring the headphones and Jinyi will be the model.

Headphones Advertisement

Headphone: Beats By Dr. Dre (BEATS ELECTRONICS)

  • Beats Electronics is a subsidiary of Apple, that produces audio products. Headquartered in Culver City, California, U.S. The company was founded by music producer and rapper Dr. Dreand former Interscope Geffen A&M Records chairman Jimmy Lovine.
  • The subsidiary’s product line is primarily focused on headphones and speakers. The company’s original product line was manufactured in partnership with the AV equipment company Monster Cable Products. Following the end of its contract with the company, Beats took further development of its products in-house. In 2014, the company expanded into the online music market with the launch of its subscription-based streaming service, Beats Music.
  • Usually, their ads are created very dynamic and with joviality, focused on young people, and with a refreshing, striking, colorful design. The style grabs the people’s attention, because it’s contemporary company, founded in 2011. Especially young people love their products, because represents euphoria, drama, and it’s joyful.
  • My first image would be: A young girl or guy listening to progressive trance music, or pop music, holding the headphones with their hands, and at the same time laughing and dancing. The wire would be visible, providing to the picture a touch of “TECHNOLOGY” and studio environment, i would also include the “Beats STUDIO” Wireless, which is another product of the company.
  • The second picture would be: Listening to any kind of music, since they can be happy and express themselves.
  • I personally have a pair of Headphones, red and black, and i will bring them to the class next Monday so the group will be working together.

Hearing Loss PSA:

  • According to the Article “Healthy Hearing Campaign in New York City” Exposure to sounds that are too loud or loud sounds that last a long time can cause noise-induced hearing loss. So, in order to prevent hearing loss, New York City would develop an awareness campaign, where it warns the population, specifically young adults, that if they listen to loud music in the not too distant future, they may develop hearing problems , or even lose your hearing altogether.
  • The communication problem is that, we have to create a campaign to warn people and show them how DANGEROUS it can be to listening to music at high volume.
  • The audience, to my knowledge is the YOUTH.
  • My ideas would be: One picture showing a young person taking off the headphones, with a uncomfortable face gesture, showing that the volume it’s very uncomfortable for ears.









Cesar Infante

Headphone Ad

Sennheiser Headphone

The brand we are promoting are the Sennheiser headphone. It offers high quality design for partly all occasion and a legendary sound like no other brand or head set. Sennheiser design their headphones with versatility and specificity, Relentless effort and attention are given to the product on a marketable scale to prevent customers falling victim to counterfeit and ensure that it they are always getting the Sennheiser quality. The presentation of Sennheiser headphones are showcased with dramatic lighting effects that cast appealing shadows. Models are in the sport- light and the combination of the headpiece design adjust to any occasion. I am not certain who is bringing what, but Muhammad mentioned that he would.

Hearing Loss PSA

Is a drive to raise the awareness of the negative effect that headphones (personal listening device) have on hearing, and how it will result into becoming deaf in the near future. The campaign simply appealed to the general public “to turn the music down”. Music lover who listen to music continuously at high volume levels or those who uses headphones fail to understand the serious health effect it has on your hearing. People between the ages of 18 – 44 are ones who falls into that category. To every health problem there are precautionary measures that can be taken to avoid or prevent the outcome. The PSA has recommended four preventative steps to take to avoid getting deaf.

Plan for the Healthcare Shoot for September 18th – Gabriel Flores

Shoot a series of portraits for The High Cost of Poor Health Care campaign.

Since the client asked for a healthy subject that looks worry about its health future, I am thinking to shoot a composition that will have two main elements: in the foreground we will see empty orange containers, well known as a standards medicine containers all around America, the second element is the subject – could be a man or a woman. The subject looks directly to the camera, it is concerned about its choices.

One side of the subject’s face will be well lit, while the other side will have shadows with the intention of creating a contrast that will reinforce the duality in which the subject is immersed.

The light will have an important role since it will create the mood of the ad as well as the dramatic aspect of the subject situation: healthy but without insurance.

The main message the client wants is about encouraging people, that have no insurance coverage, not to be afraid of getting one. As the client states: “We want citizens to see these ads and relate to the people in them.” These people used to live without insurance, but now they have no more excuse to get coverage.

The client wants people to know that getting coverage matters. The target is a vast multiracial and multicultural audience.

It will printed in major and local Newspapers as well as local print advertising reaching Latino, African-American and Asian/Pacific Islander communities and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities.

The campaign will include billboard advertisements, transit shelter displays and convenience store posters that will appear in a variety of languages, including Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Tagalog.

In the article by Mitsy Lopez-Barancello, planning director, and Yashoda Sampath, research lead, called The Fringe is In: “Multicultural” Marketing in a Millennial World.

The author refers to the Pew Research Report ( that states “43% of millennials identify as non-white, and that number is growing.”

The article also mentions that “targeting market is dead.” two important aspects to take under consideration at the time to create the ad campaign since the diversity complicates any attempt to define a conventional audience.

Gabriel Flores

The High Cost of Poor Health Care

According to the article by Candice Elliott, she writes problems about Americans insurance and why they getting a disease. First, comparing America to other countries, America people spend much more on health insurance than to other countries. But they don’t get high-level treatment on health care. She explains the problems on their own. For some problems such as, no time for exercise, and eating health is difficult due to personal income. She also mentions the doctors who take insurance, but patients don’t get good care from doctors. She finally figures out a solution is choosing a good doctor and listening to doctor. For my personal ideas, doctors do not really do their job. People paying health insurance but not getting equal treatment.

For next week what we shoot in studio work, I am going to shoot an emotion that anger and worry on my partner’s face. Also, I am thinking an action that someone to pretend to worry about his or her finance problem. These kinds of shooting on negative sense will relate to this article.

The High Cost of Poor Health Care

It is not new how Americans are dissatisfied with their current health care system. We were witnesses of the battle of powers about repelling the actual health system, known as Obamacare, over the weak proposal for a new health care system that the Trump administration wants to impose to benefit corporations than the American People.

Despite the Americans dissatisfaction, many of the affected people knew that what they already had was better than the new government was offering. On the other hand, the pressure of big pharmaceutical corporations increases adding more “drama” to an already dramatic situation. They reason that its profits, billions of dollars, will be used to develop even better drugs in the future and countries with less health care costs systems benefits from what they do, but no paying the price.

We also witnessed how Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli jacked up the prices of a decades-old drug used to treat AIDS patients and hiked the price of a popular anti-parasitic by more than $700.00 under the false pretense of the cost of researching when in reality, a good chunk of pharmaceutical “research and development” comes from the subsidized labs at universities and the National Institutes of Health.

Many research show that consumers in the United States now pay some of the highest prices in the world for many life-saving drugs. Recent reports show that critical cancer medicines, for example, cost as much as 600 times more in the United States than other countries.

A central tenet of elected officials is to be responsive to the wishes and desires of the public and many scholars agree that public opinion plays an important role in the policy process, part of what Ms. Elliot argues in her essay: “People love to claim that being healthy is more costly but it’s not true when you average out the cost of ill health over a lifetime.”

As she argues, “America has the best triage system in the world.” but also America is paying its lack of prevention. Obesity is a general health problem, the epidemic cuts across racial, economic and even state lines. More than one-third of American adults are obese, around 78 millions of people and the nation future doesn’t look much thinner. “Fast food restaurants cluster in poorer neighborhoods and obese adults eat more fast food than those who are normal weigh.” UC San Francisco 2011.

Beside of health habits, eating healthy and exercise more, Ms. Elliot also states that a good doctor that focus in preventing future illness in a patience is a clue to change America health panoramic.

Value vs Values

Value vs Values

Appiah argues, in his essay What is the Point of College?, that: “as higher education expands its reach, it’s increasingly hard to say what college is like and what college is for.” This argument resumes his theory of two distinct visions of higher education: Utility U and Utopia U. He states that the Utility U is more about how this investment will return benefits.

On the other hand, Appiah cited John Stuart Mill as he uses the phrase “experiments in living” referring to college and education as a tool for students to prepare and live a free life as men and women. Appiah states that this concept refers to students, that are in college, are not there to create money machines after graduation, but to add values to guide them and to get the knowledge that lead them to think critically.

Using these two concepts: Utility U and Utopia U, we created two images to represent Appiah philosophy. Based in the magnificent work by photographer Dawoud Bey and his project Class Pictures: The Process, in which he took a series of pictures of high school students in their classroom using minimum equipment and relaying in natural light to create unique portraits that reflect what each student expects from life and education, as well as, their attitude toward life at such challenging age.

To recreate the Utility U concept, I took a picture of a student in a classroom. She is concentrated in looking at her cellphone. Technology is the new way to conquer the American Dream and Utility U concept support that point of view. The subject in the picture is at the end of a long gray table in and monochromatic and cold environment. A darker grey wall in the background and the crowded of the room with many comfortable chairs and a long table where we see computer mice and keyboards, complete the senses of being trap, creating a sense of isolation.

Contrary, the pictures that depicts the concept of Utopia U is more about freedom and hope. The same student ready to ride her bike looks back, a farewell gesture of what makes her unhappy. Despite the fact that she is in a big city, the openness of her gesture and the open space that surrounds her contrast dramatically with what Utility U picture represents.

I used the concept of Lens-Based Artist which refers to the manipulation of media through software to stylize the picture and reinforce the concept. I eliminate all the distracting objects that I consider will interfere in the delivery of the message and idea. I saw these tools as an artistic movement to improve the quality of the idea and concept.

Gabriel Flores

The High Cost of Poor Health Care

  • The article “The High Cost of Poor Health Care” shows how Americans aren’t  watching what they eat, consequently, the conglomerate dies early and young, because they do not take care of themselves physically, and i would also say mentally. They do not spend enough time to stay in shape, and they keep eating junk foods, regardless of the time. Apparently, Americans only care to fill their stomachs, not knowing the consequences of what can cause the food they ingest.
  • Especially in youth, we can see obese people who really do not pay attention to what they eat, but only care about eating, watching television, playing video games and sleeping.
  • The main point for Health care photography is the portraits of people, they must be happy with what they have, and satisfied with the service, i would create a small group of people, representing the family as the core of society. Most of them wearing white clothes, and different ethnics, such as, Hispanic, African-Americans, White Americans, Asians, to try to show the diversity where we live, New York City. The Technic that i would use, placing the camera and shooting up to the top, and the individuals must be smiling, also i would include children as models.
  • The portrait would be: The subject needs to look happy, confident, secure. Certainly, the portrait should be bright and clean and most likely shot with front light.

Cesar Infante

Health Care

Photography for health care is focused on tight portraits of people. The lighting is mostly on the front face of the subjects. Due to the lighting, the message from the photos is to show viewers that the subjects are happy with the service. For the CoverNY I would use either clam lighting or butterfly lighting, with composition being from the top of the head to the shoulders shooting straight on to the subjects face.

The article “The High Cost of Poor Health Care” is a satire article on how Americans need to take care of themselves better health wise because the health care system in America is horrible compared to other countries. It tells Americans that the excuses that Americans use as a reason to stay health such as “Eating Healthy is Expensive,” “I Don’t Have Time To Exercise,” “An Ounce of Prevention.” The titles poke fun at these excuses by proving the excuses are not valid. By making sure people take care of themselves, Americans can avoid the expensive useless health care program.

The High Cost of Poor Health Care

The article states how Americans complain about the health policies, and how expensive it is to have insurance. It also disclosed how doctors do not work with the soul interest of the patient, but focuses on the next “Copay” . Taking the above into account, one realizes as you continue reading, she is saying that, you are the only one who can eradicate “the high cost of poor health care” by becoming responsible, and start taking preventive measures to improve, and maintain your personal health, by committing to a daily routing that includes regular exercises and proper dieting.

The measures for preventing insurance fraud and health genocide.