Social Media-addicting or empowering

The social media is a double side thing, it can be bad if people are addicting to it rather than pay attention to what’s happening around them. the other side could be good for spreading positive events like: human right, social problem, justing, civil right etc, people can upload immediately for what happen to them and get public attention to help them solve problem. on other side social media are making young people become addicting to it. The social media apps are design to make people addicting by using psychological human nature. Human likes attention from the others, thats why many people are checking how many likes they had when they had a post. People are also nosy, that’s why many people follows hundred of others and like to check out what’s happening with them, this is human nature for many of us.

I got a few ideas for positive and negative side on social media.

1- I will bring printed emoji and tape them on my models eyes, to show now people are communicate with each other by using emojis not word, which is meaning less for their life. also addiction makes them become emoji person that are mindless.

2- using popular social media icons, tape on models eyes.

3- two people are holding each side of the social media icon, meaning social media makes connection become powerful tool to fight and spread idea.

One thought on “Social Media-addicting or empowering

  1. rmichals

    I like the idea of using emoji to replace a model’s eyes. I imagine this shot as a traditional portrait with 3 point lighting-key light at 45 degrees, fill light and a gray background with a separation light. Using this kind of lighting would add to the irony.

    Idea 2 is a variation of idea 1. If it works for one, the other will work. the question is exactly how you do it.

    Idea 3 is unclear to me. You won’t want it to look like the icon is separating the people but instead bringing them together.


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