Tag Archives: #keurig #macys

Buy me!

For this assignment, the Macy*s product I chose to photograph was a Keurig brewer. I went about choosing this product by deciding that I wanted to use an appliance – that way I could photograph it in its natural habitat, the kitchen! 🙂 However, I chose not to use other appliances like the toaster, toaster oven, kettle, or blender because of the reflective qualities of the stainless steel and glass, plus I really like the Keurig. Since filming in the kitchen and not in my DIY studio in the attic I used one of the counters in my kitchen. I cleared it of all the things that were there that way the Keurig would stand out and be the obvious focus in the pictures. I also used only the kitchen light and whatever sunlight was coming through the window on the left side. I used props in all of my photos – whatever I thought would help the Keurig seem appealing to potential customers. Also, in a few pictures I used the K-cup carousel and different K-cups packs. I thought that using Keurig products would not only help to advertise this product well but also show what the Keurig can do.