Midterm Project-Total Tranformation 2

This week, I continued work on my midterm project. Last week I would say, was more of a trial run for me. Instead of using a sheet to put my crayons on, I used paper, but only for the happy pictures. For the sad pictures, I lowered my exposure, placed the crayons on the glass table it self to capture reflections, faced both clamp lights in the opposite directions so they weren’t directly on the subject, and used the ‘sad crayons’. My ‘sad crayons’ were the funny looking, messed up ones and of course the black crayon, since extreme sadness and depression can be associated with that color. For my happy pictures, I put careful thought into positioning the crayons – that way they’d look organized and can be enjoyed. As for the sad pictures on the other hand, I just threw them one on top of the other and placed the ‘sad crayons’ further in front, that way they would be the main focus.

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