Midterm Project-Total Transformation

I chose to do my assignment on a box of Crayola crayons. As we can all know, crayons have been a huge part of our childhood-we all loved coloring at one point in our lives. So I chose crayons, knowing that it is a very familiar subject.I had both clamp lights on and one directly above the table I was using. I stuck to using a white curtain on the table.To take the happier pictures, I simply scattered the crayons about and had fun with the subject, especially since crayons are associated with happiness. Some of the crayons in the box were a bit ruined, the wrappers were greasy and the ends of the crayons were broken. I used this to my advantage to photograph the sad|opposite pictures. However, for next week’s assignment, I’m thinking that I may break, crush the crayons to get a REALLY transformed picture…Also, I’m considering using a drawing done with the crayons as part of my happy image.

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