Midterm Part 1

This first shoot actually went surprisingly smooth. I chose to photograph something rather easy to manipulate, which was a locket necklace. I think maybe the sad part of the shoot might not come across as strongly as the happy part, or maybe even some of the photos could go either way, depending on the person judging them. I did some minimal adjustments to each photo in photoshop (brightness mostly and a grayscale in one particular photo), but nothing too major. I decided to do 10 happy photos and 10 sad photos, and I also chose to shoot at night with indoor lighting, and for the next shoot I will try doing it with some daylight. For the background I used a light lace material, and for the ground I altered between a wood desk, pillow, and a scarf. I had some trouble picking my favorite photo because there were a lot of favorites, but I settled on this one:


I like the soft lighting and darkness of the photo, and the way the necklace is situated, and it is positioned so far from the lace background that I think it makes the photo sort of distant and lonely.

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