LL8 – Hands



For this picture my group decided to go with silly. What the idea is the hand on the top is looking over the other and the one on the bottom is like provoking a fight like saying “come on bring it on”. In this picture we used a black backdrop and had one light using the umbrella reflector and another light shining on the hands.

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The mood of this picture is scary/scared. This is so because of  the dramatic scene where the finger with the dagger is inserted in the other hand giving these hands character. Also the red filter made the picture dark and scary. The subject was lit using the filter.

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When we took the picture of the cheese grater it was bit of a difficult task to get a good lighting on it. This was so because since its a metal object any light pointed at it would be reflected into another direction.  Thats why controlling where the reflection lands is the key to creating a perfect composition. So in that case the definition of angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection is that the angle the light hits the object is the same angle the light leaves the object in the other direction. So the best way to take this type of photo is to use a a white foam board to reflect back to the greater to create a brighter picture.

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LL7 Direct Reflection

To control the reflection of the metal grater, we put the light behind the camera. We had a second light for the background. To fix the reflection from the metal grater, we use white foam board to make the sides brighter. Without the foam board, we would see reflection from the background. Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection means where the light reflects, is where you will have to fix. In the video, we saw the man use a flashlight on a reflecting surface. The light reflected at an angle bouncing off because glass and metal reflects.

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Hand day



i feel this was my best photo of the day. the emotion is angry and i think that came across well. red is the color associated with anger and rage mostly. i felt it help make the message of the picture come across. also i have a fist punching another hand which shows violence. violence is usually caused by someone who is angry.

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LL8 Hands

In this photograph, we used direct lighting with background lit. We used a soft box to light the hands. And we had a strobe light for the background. We made sure there was no shadow to create a cheerful mood. Because it is cheerful, we did not use any color the change the mood. We used white background with bright lighting.


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I like this photo the best. It express a peaceful but lonely feeling. This photo shot is almost the eye level maybe I will say it is little bit from top. The side light gives the hands some dramatic shadow. Also, the position of the hand which locate at the bottom gives a feeling of sinking. The black background makes the hand pop out.


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LL8-Hand shoot

Please post your single best image from today’s shoot with a short description of how you used lighting and color to create the mood of the photograph.

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LL6- Contrast

The first photo we took of a teddy bear that would represent a happy childhood we turned up the contrast to make the bear stand out a bit from the background. It was effective in portraying the bear with a warm background so it would look cuddly and playful for the happy childhood.  To represent a bad childhood we took used low lights of a doll without its head and had the light only on the head to create a dark themed image. The high contrast worked in portraying the bad childhood feel to the image with the little to no light.

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LL7- Direct Reflection

To control the reflections my group used the white foam board and the strobe light. We did this so that the light on the grater doesn’t show the camera and doesn’t glare when we shoot. Since the object is reflective having the light on the object itself as it reflects the light. Incidence equals the angle of reflection, so where the light is being reflected from you need to light that that area. We had to position our foam board above our table to control what is reflected on the grater.

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