Category Archives: LL8-hands

LL8 – Hands

My favorite shot for the hands photo-shoot had to be the playful shot. My classmate and I decided to press our hands together against a clean white background. The shot was very crisp and you can feel the energy flowing … Continue reading

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I liked this image of the hand the best, which depicts the metaphor “scared.” This side lit composition of the hand being dead in the middle of nothing gives the feeling of someone who can become scared of. Having the … Continue reading

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LL8- Hands

The image I used was to represent scared. The lighting of the silhouette of the hands made the photo look like a bat flying under the moon light. The picture to me has a feel of being scared and lost,bats being … Continue reading

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LL8 – Hands

  For this picture my group decided to go with silly. What the idea is the hand on the top is looking over the other and the one on the bottom is like provoking a fight like saying “come on … Continue reading

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The mood of this picture is scary/scared. This is so because of  the dramatic scene where the finger with the dagger is inserted in the other hand giving these hands character. Also the red filter made the picture dark and … Continue reading

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LL8 Hands

In this photograph, we used direct lighting with background lit. We used a soft box to light the hands. And we had a strobe light for the background. We made sure there was no shadow to create a cheerful mood. … Continue reading

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  I like this photo the best. It express a peaceful but lonely feeling. This photo shot is almost the eye level maybe I will say it is little bit from top. The side light gives the hands some dramatic … Continue reading

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LL8-Hand shoot

Please post your single best image from today’s shoot with a short description of how you used lighting and color to create the mood of the photograph.

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