Category Archives: LL7-Direct Reflection

LL7 – Direct Reflection – Juan Losada

Our group had a white background. We needed to place the strobe light in the perfect position, or turn the object a little so we wouldn’t be able to see the reflection of the light on the object. To make … Continue reading

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LL7 – Yishi

In the class me and other two classmate were shooting the metal object,we need the control the shine glamour out from the metal,so we need to turn it in a mostly likey 45 degree angle to prevent the shinny part, … Continue reading

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When we took the picture of the cheese grater it was bit of a difficult task to get a good lighting on it. This was so because since its a metal object any light pointed at it would be reflected … Continue reading

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LL7 Direct Reflection

To control the reflection of the metal grater, we put the light behind the camera. We had a second light for the background. To fix the reflection from the metal grater, we use white foam board to make the sides … Continue reading

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LL7- Direct Reflection

To control the reflections my group used the white foam board and the strobe light. We did this so that the light on the grater doesn’t show the camera and doesn’t glare when we shoot. Since the object is reflective having the … Continue reading

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LL7 – Direct Reflection

My group used the foam board and the blue board for the background and by positioning the strobe light. This is a way to control where the light hits the object and also by using the angle of incidence to … Continue reading

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Using the backboard or a background, I can control the way light hits an object by using the angle of incidence to the angle of reflection. This concept insures that at whatever angle you project your light at, it will … Continue reading

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LL7-Direct Reflection

Controlling reflections is a key part of still life photography. How did you control the reflections off the metal grater today? What does “the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection” mean?

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