Author Archives: rmichals

LL9-Final Evaluation

Name and describe 3 concepts you learned in this class and how these might be useful to you in the future.

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LL8-Hand shoot

Please post your single best image from today’s shoot with a short description of how you used lighting and color to create the mood of the photograph.

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LL7-Direct Reflection

Controlling reflections is a key part of still life photography. How did you control the reflections off the metal grater today? What does “the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection” mean?

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Post your two best shots from today’s toy shoot, one that represents a happy childhood and that represents a bad childhood. How did your use of contrast contribute to the mood of the two photographs? What else helped your photographs … Continue reading

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LL 5- Lighting Direction

Post a small version of your happy child Halloween photo and a small version of your scary, sad Halloween. What did you do to light each one and how does the lighting change the mood?

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HW4-DIY Studio

HW 4: 5pts. Due October 29th. Create a DIY photo studio. Find a table where you can work at home. Buy or make the following equipment. Get prepared to shoot next week’s still life assignment. Then write a post (min … Continue reading

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LL4-Gallery Review

Pick any three of the exhibits we saw on the class field trip. For the work of each photographer, write one paragraph in which you address the following questions. Use the professional vocabulary of photography. 1. Identify the name of … Continue reading

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LL3-Street Photography

Select your best candid street photograph taken in this week’s class. Post a light (in terms of KB) version of the photo with a description of taking it and a few reasons why it is a wonderful photograph.

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LL2-Shooting Portraits on Location

Write a short description of what it was like to shoot portraits in Brooklyn Bridge park. Specifically mention working with direct light, diffused light, fill flash, reflectors. Then post your best photo and write a few sentences about why it … Continue reading

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Name and define a composition term from today’s class that was new or less familiar to you. Include a photograph that is a good example of that term that you took today during class. Describe how your use of that … Continue reading

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