Author Archives: Huseyin


The three concepts I learned this semester in Prof. Michels class was street photography before we did street photography out in Times Square I was too shy to take photos of random people in the street. I learned techniques of … Continue reading

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This is one of the pictures I chose as happy. The way the lighting is setup it is believe to set a good mood a happy one. The lighting is light and the background is gradient like. The skeletons having … Continue reading

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LL6 – Contrast (Make-up learning log)

  I chose a Guess watch the first photograph on the top shows low contrast because there is more light shining on the watch I tried to block some of the shadows using aluminum foil and also to make watch … Continue reading

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LL8 – Hands

  For this picture my group decided to go with silly. What the idea is the hand on the top is looking over the other and the one on the bottom is like provoking a fight like saying “come on … Continue reading

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HW4_DIY Studio

I decided to buy a DIY studio instead of building it. I was thinking about building but, it seemed tough I m not good at building things. I bought the 16″ LimoStudio photography photo studio lighting kit on The … Continue reading

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LL7 – Direct Reflection

My group used the foam board and the blue board for the background and by positioning the strobe light. This is a way to control where the light hits the object and also by using the angle of incidence to … Continue reading

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LL4 Gallery Review

A few weeks ago we went to Chelsea in Manhattan to view galleries of famous photographers. I found this trip to be intriguing especially the pictures some of these photographers took. One of the galleries i found quite interesting was … Continue reading

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I found it quite fun and challenging taking street portraits of random people. The great thing was we were able to take pictures of anyone including our classmates. I got great shots of my classmates and the CLT. I never … Continue reading

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This gallery contains 1 photo.

I feel that shooting portraits by Brooklyn Bridge Park was quite intriguing to me. I felt like it was kinda tough and fun. In this location we had many options to work with especially that warehouse and the corner spot … Continue reading

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Low Angle when a photography is shot looking up but while the shot of the camera is positioned below the eye level with the camera shooting up at whatever your taking a picture of. When you shot at a low … Continue reading

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