LL9-final evaluation Yishi

The three concepts that I had learn in this class which could help me in the future,first,will be learned how to set up the studio,because its the very basic skill to step into professional photography world。Knowing how to controlling the different when we doing various studio shots。learned when to use different background and reflector to corpora ting with the shot,by learning all these skill can help out many in advance photography studio,it could be the first step for getting Professional Photography job。

Second concept that i had learned is creating many different concept for one object,like creating a commercial shots for the object that you focus on。which would inspire me to play around the object in different perspectives,the mood of each shot could be different。which for me i think it would help me to gain more skill for this type of photo shooting by knowing how to playing with the object in greater ideas,and this kind of commercial shots always need in the society。

Finally,for me the most important thing i learned was learning make corroboration  with the model,the photographer had responsibility to make a perfect shoot for the client,and the model is most important subject of the shoot。therefore,photographer need to think many idea to share with the model,in order to show off in front the camera what the photographer need。

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