

Street photography is and will always be my favorite type of photography.  The aspect of capturing type and so many running personalities is what influences my own photos and the way I look at other’s work. Holding a camera makes me feel as if I had my own third eye, and even though visually my brain will hold a memory the camera will allow me to store that memory digitally allowing for a more effective way of sharing to the other’s who need to see what I saw. This mindset alone allows me to shoot freely without a care in the world and when the Prof. announced our trip to Grand Central, I was pretty excited.

Shooting inside of the grand station was more trivial then I had thought. The emphasis of light shining on whatever passed by was important so my shots became more time-oriented as I shot people who simply passed by it. The light was so scarce in the building it taught me to more attentive to the area around me and exercised my ability to use more with less.

Moving on the library and Bryant Park, I paraded freely throughout the sidewalk getting some clean and very well lit shots. I was definitely much more comfortable getting closers to subjects as they went about their life’s.  Sneaking in those beauty shots made the trip so much more worth it.

As we proceeded on tour to the Times Square, space became I think more of an issue with so many people passing by at time, your decisive eye wants to capture everyone but your viewfinder can go so far. The vibe felt somewhat overwhelming compared to the simplicity that I found at Bryant Park.

In summary, all of our areas gave us different lighting to work with and different compositions to use. Our trip to the city allowed to be unique and served its purpose well. Thank god for the great weather we’ve been having.

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