I found it quite fun and challenging taking street portraits of random people. The great thing was we were able to take pictures of anyone including our classmates. I got great shots of my classmates and the CLT. I never knew what it would feel like to just take random pictures of strangers and even taking pictures of classmates difficult because you must look for the right time to take their picture.


I found this picture intriguing the way you have Lydia there standing and looking at her camera and the girl (Luiymai) behind her seems like she is surrounded by other tourists. Luiymai’s bag looks blurry as if she is moving fast The thing that is interesting is the blurriness and the fast motion of other people roaming. Seems like she has time and is surrounded by a bunch of people rushing to work in the rush hour during the morning in the city.

Luiymai kind of seems like she is on the other side of the mirror and Lydia is in the mirror in the front. I find it interesting how you have all these people in the picture and yet Lydia is the most focused figure. The image behind Lydia where you have the times of arrival and departure of trains feels like an advertisement for some travel company. It gives us a feeling that the figure in the front which is new tourist the girl behind her is getting ready to leave as she looks at the departure times or is waiting for her family,friends or boyfriend to arrive. It tells us a story of what travel and rush hour is like in this city and terminal.

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