Making an Assignment

After doing some research on the Honda FCX Clarity and other cars in its class, its clear that the target audience is not your luxury consumer but rather the middle class environmentally aware consumer. Had we been assigned Tesla as a client to do a shoot for, I would have chosen to go with Tim Wallace. Wallace’s major theme in his photography appears to be high contrast as many of his automobile shoots display a black background with the subject the main focal point. He also uses shapes in some of his shots, which accentuates  the beauty of each part of the car. In addition to that, he seems to be skilled in working with the luxury brand cars which Tesla would fall right into. I believe that the Honda FCX wouldn’t be suitable for this style of photography.

I would take advantage of the simplicity of the brand of Honda and the forward thinking of the electric car class. The target audience would be young adults between the ages of 25-30. It was a tough choice deciding between Don Dixon and Clint Clemons. I decided to go with Clemons simply because of his simple approach with natural lighting. Unlike Dixon’s use of shallow depth of field, Clemons includes the car with its users in the shots. I think this would be a great strategy in selling a car like this.



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