
What is your good news this week?

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15 Responses to AT06

  1. hey im here like always, im going to change 508 into a club room and rearrange it 😀

  2. Qing says:

    As always. Nothing happen.

  3. Ravneet Virk says:

    No good news for the week 🙁

  4. Yulanova says:

    hi, i don’t know

  5. Sophia Tampakis says:

    I get to sit next to Qing today 🙂

  6. justfg05 says:

    Good Evening classmates, no good news flash drive software got corrupted so all files are lost.

  7. Jarryd F. says:

    Tomorrow is Saturday so there’s that

  8. Here and 21 more days till Batman vs Superman

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