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Awesome, i made it!

I was one of the many students whom did not read the Steve Jobs : article on innovation.  The reason i did not read the article was because i simply forgot to read it.  I was so excited about internship and my other classes and got side track, darn me, darn myself!  Well during my internship i work on filming and broadcast. I’m not too enthusiastic about but i’ll do what i have to do.  I still use flash and photoshop which is nice but i used flash to animate and i think i may have to learn Aftereffects in the future.

Posted in Announcements, Assignments.

John Johnson comment on the Steve Job’s article

I thought the article was interesting because Steve Job’s took advantage of the new trends in computer technology, the “mouse” and jumped on it, unlike Xerox, which didn’t take advantage of the situation. It shows that Steve Job’s was enterprising and ambitious.  It also shows why Xerox fell behind and stopped being so successful financially.  The mark of being very creative is producing a lot of work.

Posted in Assignments.

review of the “CREATION MYTH”

Focusing on the story of the Xerox PARC, which  Steve Jobs created technologies that companies such as Apple later commercialized with great success:  the mouse, the graphical user interface, the laser printer and so on. It reminds me of what can happen when we put creators and commercializers, intellectual capital and financial capital to be together.

Posted in Assignments.

my post

I wish I read the article. Currently interning at IgnitionOne. I handle graphic design for both IgnitionOne and their sister company Netmining. This includes branding one sheets, developing powerpoint slides, designing invitations to events, as well as any collateral they may need. I have been working with the company for almost 5 months now and will continue throughout the rest of the year.

Posted in Assignments.


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Posted in Announcements.