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Response to “Creation Myth”

Jay Soo


After reading the article and discussing it in class, I realized how important it is to be aware of everything around you. Xerox had the technology but didn’t know how to use it and do something with it, and Steve Jobs had the vision to see and create what became revolutionary. This gave me a thought about my role as a designer, of how important it can be to work in a team. For example in a team someone could see something the others can, or could think of ideas others can. This stresses how important each person could be and how everyone must take part in order to make something extraordinary happen.

The talk about what a genius is in class also motivated me a little. I always knew that being a genius is not easy. I have always been told that I have talent, and I know I do, but I also know that I’m very lazy. I understand that if I am able to overcome this weakness and work hard, I could become something more, and I might see my true potential then. But as of right now I am still procrastinating a lot, and I plan to change that.

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