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Jay Soo’s Journal Entry 4

Jay Soo


ADV 4900-E299


I finally finished the masking project; it was not difficult, but it was time consuming. I was given another task, to recreate an 11 by 8.5 design of the City Tech logo on top of a background filled with pictures. The Logo should have some opacity to allow the pictures in the background to be visible. Being a rather linear person I immediately organized my working process. First I had to start with the background; I must align the pictures given to me randomly, and then duplicate them to fill the whole background.

To be honest I was working slowly today. I guess I was spending more time on researching how to do it and then got lost while browsing the web. Nothing much happened for the rest of the day since I had to leave early. The other intern didn’t show up, so I felt alone and sad.

I forgot to mention that my supervisor suggested I should bring my laptop to work because the computers in the office are old and slow. I didn’t tell him that my laptop is also old and slow. I did browse the web a little to check out the new Apple laptops, I text messaged my dad to let him know that I might need him to sponsor me a little, he agreed immediately. And this is it for this week’s journal entry; I rambled the last half of this in order to fill 250 words, I’m sorry.

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