Monday, March 2


1. Reply to this post with a comment: Begin by reviewing this guide to the 31 most common interview questions:

Then, respond to this blog post with a comment. Please identify which question you think would have most difficulty answering (and why) and which question you would be most confident in answering (and why).

Note: On Wednesday, we will conduct an interview exercise in class. Come prepared to speak aloud, and ready to answer some questions in front of your peers!

2. You will have most of our class time to work on your cover letters, which are due this Wednesdsay, March 4 (before class). You may enter this cover letter as a blog entry.


12 thoughts on “Monday, March 2

  1. caring Catherine

    Catherine Paczkowski:
    Question #6 “What are your greatest professional strengths” is the question I would be most confident responding to. I have many years of job experience in different industries but there are personal strengths and characteristics which I carry with me from one job to the next that are consistent throughout my career.

    Question #31 “What do you think we could do better or differently” is the most difficult question for me to answer as I feel there is still so much I need to learn in my current job industry. I would feel more confident formulating an answer to this question after working for a month or so in the company-in-question’s production department.

  2. Meredith

    I am just never sure how to answer the question regarding salary. I do not want to give a figure that is too low so that I am locked in this figure or give one that is too high, that the prospective employer decides that I will not be satisfied if I am offered something lower.

    1. Meredith

      Why should we hire you? This is a question that I feel pretty confident about. I can discuss my strengths and adjust my answer to suit the type of job being offered.

      1. VivianY

        The most hard question for me will be the number 10 “Where do you see yourself in five years?” be honest I do not have some explicitly goal in my life, even I may have job by now, I still cant decide how my future going to be.

        The most question will be easiest to answer will be number 27 “If you were an animal, which one would you want to be? ” because I had thought about this question already.

  3. Carla

    The question I would find to be most challenging is, “are you planning on having children?” I find it challenging because, as a woman, this is when a lot of decisions and career paths are made for you. It is a discriminatory question because it’s rarely asked of men. Alternatively, I would take that question as an opportunity to shed light on the fact that I’m already a parent, and being parent has never negatively impacted my professional life.

    The question I would find easiest to answer is, “what is your management style?” I have had plenty of managers and I often reflect on which managers were most effective in encouraging my best work. I have been fortunate to work alongside one of the most efficient managers in the Medicaid program. I am learning so much about effective management practices.

  4. Marlon Furye

    Can you tell me a little about yourself? Would be the question I’d have the most trouble with, it’s so ambiguous that it would put me at a loss for words. so much could be said to answer that question but what answers are irrelevant to what the employer is looking for?

    How did you hear about the position?……………..(REALLY!?) I have gotten this question before. It never ceases to amaze me that this question comes up. I usually use it to show that I did research about the company beforehand.

  5. Luis Campoverde

    The question that I would have difficulty answering would be about the salary requirements because I could ask for too little or too much. The employer should decide based on my prior experience and also if I answer wrong can be stuck with less than I could be making, or don’t get the job at all due to me asking for too much. The question I would be confident answering would be about dealing with stress or pressure at work since I know what it is to work under pressure and sometimes get stressed due to it.

  6. Cynthia Fuentes

    The question I have difficulty answering would be regarding desired salary and about the gap in employment. The salary question because you don’t want to low ball nor give an unreasonable salary request. The second issue about the gap in employment due to personal issues; usually do not want to disclose too much personal information to an employer so they don’t consider those issues a burden on your employment.

    The easier questions are examples of leadership, strengths or simply to describe yourself. I view as an opportunity to reflect on all the positive qualities one possess and make it known to the prospective employer.

  7. Yishi Wang

    to me my difficult interview question can be the first very first question
    1. Can you tell me a little about yourself?
    this question is hard to answer,because, I am lacking of adjective word to describing myself, also I do not know how to describe about myself to any friends,when it come to the interview I will be nervous and forget about everything I had to say.
    the easy interview question for me will be 11. What’s your dream job?
    I think when you talk about your dream job, it’s much easy to describe, because everyone probably have think about their future career, where they want to be in, what they want to do. I just need to put all the imagination together to let the audience understand what is your dream job!

  8. Amelia.A

    > I would feel most confident answering the “what do you know about the company?” question because it’s easy to do research and learn some important facts about the company and basically mimick it with enthusiasm to express to them your interest.
    > I would feel least confident in answering the “what do you consider to be your weaknesses?” question because it is a trap. This is a very tricky question, I fear blurting a weakness that can loose my chances of getting the job.

  9. shehryar.dehllu

    Id feel most comfortable answering: what are you’re professional accomplishments? Its easy because its straight forward and simple.
    Id feel least confident about: Tell about a challenging conflict. This is hard because Ive never faced a challenging conflict so id have to make this up.

  10. francisco

    Please identify which question you think would have most difficulty answering (and why) and which question you would be most confident in answering (and why). I think that the questions that I’m most comfortable answering are the following. I think that all of the questions below can be easily answered. there are straight-forward, and easy to answer. Plus, these questions are the most commonly used in interview; so you kind of get used to them. Can you tell me a little about yourself? How did you hear about the position? Why do you want this job? Why should we hire you? Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it. Where do you see yourself in five years? What’s your dream job? What other companies are you interviewing with? Why are you leaving your current job? Why were you fired? What are you looking for in a new position? What type of work environment do you prefer? What’s a time you exercised leadership? How would your boss and co-workers describe you? Why was there a gap in your employment? Can you explain why you changed career paths? How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations? What would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like in this role? What are your salary requirements? What do you like to do outside of work? If you were an animal, which one would you want to be? Are you planning on having children? What do you think we could do better or differently?Do you have any questions for u

    I think I would have most difficulty answering the following questions. these are big and difficult questions. some of these questions required the knowledge of professional experiences; so it might be a little difficult to answer them if you do not have any professional experience.What’s your management style? What is your greatest professional achievement? What do you consider to be your weaknesses? What are your greatest professional strengths? What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work? How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?


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