Please add your Senior Project abstract (idea) as a comment to this post by Monday night.

It must NOT Be a link; it should be the actual sentence, thank you.

The conversation around climate change is filled with guilt and fear. The problem is that, according to psychology, guilt and fear make us withdraw from a situation. Using social competition, a proven motivator in psychology, to get people to act on climate change. I want to implement a campaign that is a month-long challenge in which participants reduce and track their carbon footprint while being able to see how they compare to others. 

Above is ALL that is needed for the statement.

In the upcoming weeks, you will use this statement and feedback to create a research paper fueled by research and potential outcome. This is what you can hand to your advisor.

The problem with the above statement is: People do not deal with climate change conversations because of guilt and fear.

Insight: The youth/millennials tend to enjoy competitions via social media.

Concept: Create a month-long social media campaign to motivate people to reduce their carbon footprint.