Category Archives: Internships

Preparing for FC Design Team Interviews – Internship Post 12

Everyone has began to send in their applications for the FC Design Team and we got about 11 applicants who applied! As exciting that sounds, it is going to be a lot of work. we will have to organize and send emails to those we would like to move forward and to those who will not. Unfortunately, we will be making some hard decisions this semester. Most students were able to send us their resume, cover letter, and portfolio all at once! all we need is their recommendations from professors. We start our interviews next week.

Happy Thanksgiving! – Internship Post 11

Yay! Its finally Turkey week.  That is all we are thinking about this week.  This week I am continuing to work with clients to finalize the revisions i worked on this week and last week. I finalize a letterhead I created for the First Year Programs and First Year Learning Experience to use for their emails and letters.

Halfway There – Internship Post 10


One week till thanksgiving! We have also got in a couple of people applying to them Faculty Commons Design Team Internship! Me, My Interview Partner, Will, and our supervisor will begin to go over questions that we will ask during the interviews and how we will organize the interview process to get to know the students that will be selected for an interview.
Also had a couple of meetings here and there to clarify a couple of drafts of some projects I have worked on. Meeting in person is definitely a lot easier to discuss projects than email. Advisement has began and students are getting ready to select the courses that are offered in the spring semester. We should begin to have the English posters ready soon enough, once professors provide us the content.


A Lot To Accomplish – Internship Post 9

The semester begins to get hectic as more projects begin to pile up. I have begun working on my previous projects that I’ve mentioned in my last post. While working at FC i know that communication is key! And keeping on schedule can be difficult when you also have a bunch of things to handle. My clients are usually busy but communicating with them to let them know how the work is going helps to keep them at ease.
Between school and work, it is starting to become a lot of thing to do. But i know i will be able to get them done! The clock has went back an hour but it felt like that hour has past by. We are in the mist of elections as well which as everyone on edge. This week is feeling a bit overwhelming but we share see how we will get through it.



Time Flies – Internship Post 8

This week I have realized that it’s already November. Time certainly does fly by. As of now, I have about 3 huge projects from three different clients under my belt that I am currently working on. With First Year Programs, I am creating the Companion booklet. With the English Department, I am creating English posters. With my newest client, Gender & Sexuality Studies, I am creating a brochure.

The English posters will definitely be a fun project. This is one of my favorite projects because it gives me a chance to work with my fellow team members on the project. Basically, I am given a couple courses hosted by professors that would like to develop a poster to represent the class and what students will be learning about. I will pick one poster a couple of our designers to work on and at the end we have one course with different perspectives of what the class will be about. Pretty interesting.

Working As A Team, Always – Internship Post 7

This week was all about getting ready for advisement. Creating bookmarks for the English department is a great project to work on because it helps students prepare for the upcoming semester and show what classes are offered. What great about FC is that we communicate with each other and work together as a team, always. With the help of my supervisor, assistant and team, we were able to package the bookmarks for the classes. We stacked 30 bookmarks together and wrapped them with a letter I also created that are for faculty. These bookmarks will be given to professors to hand out to their students. There was about almost 1000 bookmarks and we managed to finish the packing in two hours! While I wasn’t in the office during the week because of my class schedule, I found out a couple of team members delivered the bookmarks to my client. We are all in the loop about what goes on here in Faculty Commons and that is one of the best qualities I love about working here. I’ve never had an internship quite like this and its pretty awesome.

“No Classes for Me” Week – Internship Post 6

This week was such a weird week. Of course, as students we are excited to get a couple days off, but I wasn’t really able to come in to school for work. I did get a chance to dedicate some time to senior project and prepare for the weeks ahead for my internship as well as work via home and coffee shops to get things done.

Getting My Life Together / Being Organized – Internship Post 5

This week I got a chance to work on some slides that will be displayed for a First Year Programs presentation that will showcase what First Year Learning Communities (FYLC) are and how does it associate with First Year Programs. It was a small project, none the lease, it’s a small successful project. This week I realized that the most important thing I want to do is to stay organized. Balancing schoolwork and internship work can be hard, but for me, writing things down and creating a timeline make it a lot easier. At FC, we get a chance to create timelines for our clients, especially if the project last for semester or two.

Deliverables for the English Department – Internship Post 4

This week I got a chance to meet with English Department, concerning the registration for classes. Each semester the English Department sends out notifications that remind students about the classes they can take for the upcoming semester. I have designed bookmarks that go out with a letters addressing the professors of the English Department. We possibly may have more projects coming up for the upcoming semester.

The 5th Edition of The Companion- Internship Post 3

I got a chance to meet with the Director of First Year Programs to discuss our plans for the rest of the semester this week. I have been working with First Year Programs for a while. Since then, I got a chance to create flyers, the brochure, web banners, as well as rebrand the logo and branding for FYP. This semester was all about restocking on the deliverables and keeping everything up to date. This semester we are focused on updating the 5th edition of The Companion. The Companion is a book given to first year students to help guide them on their years at City Tech. To help update the book that students will be getting for their first year at the college is a huge deal. Students will be using these to get help them get use to their transition from high school to college. Should probably make this edition a good one. The question  I ask myself is, “what you would like to see if I was new student at City Tech ?”