Working As A Team, Always – Internship Post 7

This week was all about getting ready for advisement. Creating bookmarks for the English department is a great project to work on because it helps students prepare for the upcoming semester and show what classes are offered. What great about FC is that we communicate with each other and work together as a team, always. With the help of my supervisor, assistant and team, we were able to package the bookmarks for the classes. We stacked 30 bookmarks together and wrapped them with a letter I also created that are for faculty. These bookmarks will be given to professors to hand out to their students. There was about almost 1000 bookmarks and we managed to finish the packing in two hours! While I wasn’t in the office during the week because of my class schedule, I found out a couple of team members delivered the bookmarks to my client. We are all in the loop about what goes on here in Faculty Commons and that is one of the best qualities I love about working here. I’ve never had an internship quite like this and its pretty awesome.