Interviews, Finals, Finalizing and Closing Loops – Internship Post 13/14/15

We finished the interviews this week and held an hour long discussion about our decisions. They were EXTREMELY DIFFICULT ! But we had to come to decision. Once we did, we sent our emails about or training program in January.

We also started a secret Santa on the team, which is a really fun way for us to maintain our sanity and sillyness throughout the rest of the intense semester.

Finals is approaching and now it is time to focus. Its going to a long week. There are a couple rushed projects that must be done asap. With the help of the amazing team, i was able to focus on my schoolwork and tasks at work to get everything done in time before the semester ends.

Lucky enough I was able to get into the Senior Project Exhibition and finalize my projects for Faculty Commons by the end of the semester. It has been extremely tough but I am glad that I get to end the semester on a good note. Now to close all the loops for my clients before the holidays!