Ethics 2

Ethics A
I have used creative work from artist before and always credit the artist. I have designed several magazine and newspaper layouts were I use photography that was not owned by me. I made sure that the photography was free to use, share, and modify. I learned much earlier in my design career that the artist is held responsible for proper sourcing of an artist design work, and the consequences that one could face if sourcing and copyright are not respected.

AIGA Business_Ethics 47556757-Guide-to-copyright-1-MB.pdf

Ethics B

The New York Times felt that this case would have addressed the fine line issues surrounding copyright protections, but I thought that this case reinforced how crucial it is to adhere to ethical standard at all time.
Shepard Fairey clearly forgot his ethical standards, and when he remembered he tried to cover it up by destroying documents and fabricated others to try to conceal the fact that he had used a particular Associated Press photograph of Mr. Obama as the source of his well-known “Hope” campaign poster. When designing it’s easy to forget good ethical practices because you get caught up in the design process, so implementing ethical practice must be a habit that you must train yourself to do. Even if Fairey wasn’t used to properly sourcing imagery or was unaware, he should have admitted his fault right away instead of lying and covering it up this showed a lack of ethical self-awareness which made situation worse.
