
March 14, 2014.  Jennifer DeVivo-Baptiste

March 14, 2014. Jennifer DeVivo-Baptiste

In this image, I was standing on the L train platform looking through the bars of the fence down at the street scene below. It was early evening, so one car already had it’s headlights – on towards the top let of the image. In the center of the photo, there is a parked police vehicle. You can only make out part of the word – PO – is really all you can see. In front of it, there looks to be another police car, but you can only see the trunk. There is also a corrections/authority bus along the bottom of the photo. It is a very dark image, though all the vehicles are white – providing some color. The bars on the fence are very prominent in the foreground. They seem to become ironic to the police vehicles below.

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A Photo by Anonymous


The Main Concourse of Grand Central Station, 1929, Anonymous


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This gallery contains 1 photo.

SYMBOLISM.                               JASON FRANCIS This a painting.                            DATE,03/03/2014 This is my photograph of a painting. A mortal warrior slaying a serpent in this painting. Symbolism, the serpent represents the struggles within mankind, while the mortal warrior represents the humanity that remains. … Continue reading

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Quiet night in Brooklyn


In March 4, 2014  while I was standing right in front of brother’s shop in Fulton street/Franklin avenue Brooklyn New York, I took this picture. This place is usually crowded but because the freezing temperature, it looks like a ghost town. In the right upper hand side we could see the overpass that connect shuttle that runs from Franklin avenue to prospect park Brooklyn, to the uptown C train. The most amazing thing I found in this picture, it how the street lights and traffic signals create a multicolor light rays.

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Snow Day

Snow day

This is a picture I took two weeks ago while passing by Fort Greene park. Everything is covered in snow and looks really white. I took this picture because I like how everything is covered in snow. Although this snow looks nice, it looks like its blocking the cars which is bad for people trying to get to work or go out. Most of the road was also covered in snow which made it difficult to drive. This picture was taken with no filter.

Henry Quntuna

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The Green Light

The Green Light

In this photograph taken of my friend by a shore, it has reminded me of the “green light” scene in The Great Gatsby which represents the American Dream in the book. It was a bright summer day and the sun was shinning right at us. It was my first time there so it’s not a time I will forget. No filter.

Oula Jabali

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The compost


I took this photo on Friday as I was on my way to work. It has a lot of colorful artwork on its exterior and inside everything is built in a recycled manner. This is a compost that I pass everyday on my block. They attract people to it with their colorful art done by local artist and inform people of their various ways to recycle. They have the community join in barbecues and they even raise their own chickens. It really gives the community a positive impact.

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Foggy Night



I took this photo on January 6, 2014. It was taken from outside my apartment window. In the picture is a small parking lot, though coated with white snow it is a little less clear. The parking lot is next to a large black figure, the is object is an enormous church that us across the street from me. You can barely see the lights coming from the open corner stores and the street lamps in the distance. Anything past that can’t be seen because the entire picture is fuzzy; its because the time it was taken the area was under extreme fog. That is why  there is a very yellow-grayish color to the picture. It gives off a cold, eerie feeling. Although it may seem like it, there was no filter used in this photo.

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Essay 2 Details

Hi Class,

Great photos! And great descriptions, too. Essay 2 details are now up. Go to “Assignments” on the menu tab.


Prof. Scanlan

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Simpson St

Simpson St.

This photo was taken this morning going to class where I ride the 2 train at the Simpson St train station. The scenery is rough and dirty. The photograph is not pretty to look at but it feels so real to me. It is something that I see every single day going to class, a visual I take advantage of; I never stop and appreciate the view. There is some lighting due to the sunrise (taken around 10am). The colors of the photograph are bland with general colors of brown, beige, and green taking up most of the photo which draws attention to the “SIMPSON ST” sign in the middle. I did not use any filters for this photograph.

Nelson Pereira

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