Category Archives: Uncategorized


In this image, I was standing on the L train platform looking through the bars of the fence down at the street scene below. It was early evening, so one car already had it’s headlights – on towards the top … Continue reading

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A Photo by Anonymous

The Main Concourse of Grand Central Station, 1929, Anonymous  

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SYMBOLISM.                               JASON FRANCIS This a painting.                            DATE,03/03/2014 This is my photograph of a painting. A mortal warrior slaying a serpent in this painting. Symbolism, the serpent represents the struggles within mankind, while the mortal warrior represents the humanity that remains. … Continue reading

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Quiet night in Brooklyn

In March 4, 2014  while I was standing right in front of brother’s shop in Fulton street/Franklin avenue Brooklyn New York, I took this picture. This place is usually crowded but because the freezing temperature, it looks like a ghost … Continue reading

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Snow Day

This is a picture I took two weeks ago while passing by Fort Greene park. Everything is covered in snow and looks really white. I took this picture because I like how everything is covered in snow. Although this snow … Continue reading

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The Green Light

In this photograph taken of my friend by a shore, it has reminded me of the “green light” scene in The Great Gatsby which represents the American Dream in the book. It was a bright summer day and the sun … Continue reading

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The compost

I took this photo on Friday as I was on my way to work. It has a lot of colorful artwork on its exterior and inside everything is built in a recycled manner. This is a compost that I pass … Continue reading

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Foggy Night

  I took this photo on January 6, 2014. It was taken from outside my apartment window. In the picture is a small parking lot, though coated with white snow it is a little less clear. The parking lot is … Continue reading

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Essay 2 Details

Hi Class, Great photos! And great descriptions, too. Essay 2 details are now up. Go to “Assignments” on the menu tab. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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Simpson St

This photo was taken this morning going to class where I ride the 2 train at the Simpson St train station. The scenery is rough and dirty. The photograph is not pretty to look at but it feels so real … Continue reading

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