The compost


I took this photo on Friday as I was on my way to work. It has a lot of colorful artwork on its exterior and inside everything is built in a recycled manner. This is a compost that I pass everyday on my block. They attract people to it with their colorful art done by local artist and inform people of their various ways to recycle. They have the community join in barbecues and they even raise their own chickens. It really gives the community a positive impact.

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One Response to The compost

  1. cristian says:

    This is a beautiful and positive photograph. In my opinion you did an excellent job. You didn’t just capture the art on the out walls, but with this photograph, you demonstrate that there is something good and positive happening inside, and also that there are still good people out there. It kind of gives you a friendly welcome to come in, and tells you that inside something good awaits for you. By taking this photograph, you also capture an art that is beautiful, and one doesn’t see very often, but yet is criticize by many people. well done, keep it up.

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