Heart Of Snow.


This photo was taken around Valentines Day. You may or may not be able to tell, but this is a picture of a heart naturally formed in the snow. The punctum of this photo is that my friend spotted it, i took a picture and sent it to my valentine on valentines day. The studium would be the heart itself. Whats really cool about this photo is the way the lights from the stores in front of it reflect off the snow and make the pink and blue tints. The dominant impression would be love. The frame encases the snow on all sides so all the emphasis is on the heart. The pro filmic event is the heart shape that the snow makes around the cement.

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Christmas Time.

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This is a picture of the big Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center. My I took this photo of the tree when my friends were doing there pictures.The studium of this picture is the giant tree and all the people including me. The punctum of this photo is that me and my friends come to the Christmas tree annually and my friend Eddy who is standing in the front with his hands in his pockets would not stop laughing and be serious enough to take a picture. The pro filmic event is of the tree and all the lights. The top frame shows the tall building and the star atop the tree. The left frame cuts off another building , while the right frame just misses the bottom of the tree. The bottom of the frame cuts my friend Eddy in half. The dominant impression is cheery and cold, because everyone is happy but its also clear its a little chilly.                   

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The Fall, 2014, Magdalena Podgorny



This picture was taken on March 15 in Queensbridge Park, Queens, with my phone camera set to black and white mode. The shot is of my husband taking a fall from 200 feet slackline and grabbing the line as he is falling. A second before the shot, my husband was bouncing on the line in sitting position, after he finished his walk, back and forth. I was taking photographs when he was on the line. This picture was taken the moment he unexpectedly fell. He is in the center of the picture, positioned almost horizontally, holding the tape with both hands. The tape is still wavy from the fall. Distant buildings and trees make the background of the picture. I find this shot interesting, because it captures the moment of the fall. It is dynamic because of the movement it portrays and at the same time it feels still because horizontal lines are in dominance. Bottom part of the photograph is just grass, which ads to the effect of stillness.


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Ready, 2014, Magdalena Podgorny


This picture was taken on March 15 in Queensbridge Park, during meeting of New York City Slackliners group, my husband and I belong to. Slacklining, similar to tightrope walking, is balancing on the polyester webbing stretched between two points, trees in most cases. I used my phone camera set to black and white mode. The shot is of my husband sitting on the slackline. He was preparing himself to walk the line, finding balanced position to stand up. He is facing Queensboro Bridge, so viewers can see mostly his back. Along with the bridge, some trees and distant Manhattan skyline create the background. Big chunks of the sky and the grass are seen at the top and the bottom of the picture respectively. Camera was positioned on the ground and slanted deeply in order to catch the altitude and perspective. It was meant to be backlit photograph as I noticed the sun was peeping out from behind the clouds. I tried to capture the moment I would see the sun shining through under my husband’s arm, before he stands up. I managed to take three pictures and this is the best one.

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This picture was taken towards the end of 2013 or begining of 2014. when i had returned to my old neighborhood, to go to my doctor. The shot is of old train tracks under the target parking lot at flatbush ave Brooklyn college. These tracks have been there for as long as I can remember. I grew up with them being there and there the one thing that has never changed. I never knew why, it was there or has not changed but I was told that it used to be an old train services. When the gate used to be old and broken, I used to see people climb up the gate to go to get the other side.

The graffiti with the name Zaone is interesting cause its all over New york. Searching the name, there were picture tooken of the name in the Bronx, and manhatten from what I seen. It covers the whole block covering the old graffiti that used to be there. the colors mix together so well, in a airbrush kind of tone in the letters and match well together. The gate makes part of this picture for it makes it look broken in areas. The angle of the picture with the gate in front of it shows you how far the distance is from the street to the train tracks. it makes you curious how they get there. Which the frame doesn’t show you, but hints at with the tree is that the ground is raised near the gate for you to land on and not get hurt so its easy to climb the gate and get over.


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The Cue Art Gallery



Cue Art foundation, 137 W 25th St, New York, NY 10001

This photo was taken by a friend, while we were at the cue art gallery on 137 W 25th St, New York, NY 10001, Saturday 3/15/14. Our art class had finished and the space we were using for the class was not going to be used anymore. We took all the supplies from the New school of parsons went in to different taxi’s and headed to the cue art gallery. when we got there after putting everything in the basement we looked around at the exhibition by Graem Whyte. one of the art works was a chopped up in geometric shapes ping-pong table. the opening was that day so we waited till he got there and he let us play on the table.

What is interesting about this photo as i interact with the work it shows you half the room and the type of work that Whyte creates, which is fascinating in itself if you meet him and have him talk about the work, or just looking at the work its great. the effect of me in mid action of me hitting the ball is strange for the position i am in as we try to make the table work with the game of ping-pong. The things happening out side the frame is, you see me but you don’t see my friend who i am serving to on the right. On the far left is the entrance where a desk sits beside a wall and the artist, and cue foundation workers talk.

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At the End of the Street


I took this photograph Friday March 14th, 2014, while walking to my first class of the day.  Seem to be a quiet morning in Brooklyn, New York. I captured the image with my phone, while standing in the intersection of Cadman Plaza East and Johnston Street, no filters needed to such a beautiful view and day.  The studium of the photograph is Cadman Plaza East Street vanishing to the distance in between leafless trees and lined cars on the left side, and the US Postal Service Building with its streetlights on the sidewalk. Further down at the right side we can see other buildings. While going further away, street disappears, and we can see the Manhattan Bridge at the center end of the image, becoming the dominant impression.  I tried to frame as much as I could of the width of the street, while getting the bridge at the far end in the middle of the frame. Upper edge is a clear blue sky, upper right edge is part of the US Postal Service Building, and upper left edge is trees. The lower edge is entirely the pavement of the street, extending to the lower left and right side.

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Where Brooklyn Queens Met


Brooklyn, New York. March 18, 2014. Fahim Rahman

While I was getting home from college, I got off the train and decided to capture something in my camera. I was standing in Queens and took this picture where Brooklyn starts on March 18th 2014. This place also called City Line. This is a busy neighborhood. There are so many stores located in this area. The weather was kind of cold so people had to wear their big jackets, but cold didn’t stop them from their daily life. They are busy running after the time. That is a Q8 bus stop. People were waiting for the bus. The sky looks calm and the environment is so nice.


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Brooklyn Bridge and The High Line


Brooklyn Bridge at sunset, 2014, Hege Bryn

I took this photo in Brooklyn Bridge Park in March 2014. It shows the sun going down behind the Brooklyn Bridge, the sun at a point just under the bridge. I like how the sun lights up the bridge and the tree behind it, while also reflecting in the river, hightlighting the texture of the water and the stones in the foreground. The rays of the sun really shines through under the bridge, like an explosion of light. I had just gotten out of English class, and walked the 10 minutes from Jay Street down to the park to shoot some photos during the golden hour – in photography known as the hour before sunset and after sunrise – waiting to meet up with a visiting friend to show her the park.


Follow the lines, 2014, Hege Bryn

I took this photo at The High Line Park in Chelsea in February 2014. I like how the lines of the buildings on the left, as well as the railing and the path, leads you into the photo, towards the two people walking on the path. I also like the look of the old brick wall in different colors. The High Line is one of my favorite parks in NYC, and I spent the morning there taking photos before my afternoon class.

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I took this photo with my Digital camera last Sunday on March 16, 2014 while walking on Mott Street. It’s around 9:30Am. The studium of the picture is face on the fruit stall, where arranged three kinds of vegetable and fruit on the stands. From the right to left, they are banana, pear and sweet potato. On the left, stilled have some vegetable and plastic bags. A man sat on the stand in front of a few of poster what posted up on the wall. The frame of my picture is the man and the icon of poster, who were watching the right side. It created about unrealistic, what they are looking? What they are awaited? The man looked nervous, we can see his pose, he neither sitting nor standing.  In the reality effect, the man is waited for the customer. He was nervous, because he had a lot of goods what was not sold out. “Goats” means weak, easily bullied, easily tricked or cheated. The movie’s name on the poster is “the men who stare at Goats”.  I could visualize the man exactly looking the “goats” tooScan_20140318

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