Kiosk Staircase..

photo 1

This photograph was taken in January of 2014, at a store called Kiosk, in Soho, New York. These stairs are the entrance to the store. The studium would be the steps itself, the graffiti, and the lighting. The dominant impression is dark and curious. The frame cuts off the top step leading into the store, and the doorway to the entrance, to show all of the graffiti. I was so taken back, by the unique design of the staircase, that i had to take a picture.

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This picture was taken in the Summer of 2013, at a community playground on Bethune Street and West Street, in Manhattan. The studium would be the three dalmatians, a white wall, and the concrete. What i like about this photo is the effect, as if the dogs are running and growing. The dominant expression could possibly be joy and happiness. The frame shows all of the dogs, and cuts off half of the ground, where I’m standing. This punctum found in the picture are the dalmatians, in which they hold nostalgia. As a child, and still till this day, I always loved Dalmatians.


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New York Harbor View



I took this photo with my camera on August 31, 2013 while riding  ferry from Manhattan to Staten Island. It was a  hot and humid evening of the last day of summer, but still it was a beautiful day. The soft shining of the sun setting down creates an amazing gold reflection on the slightly rippling water surface. The horizon consists of the New Jersey coast line, which separates the picture into two equal parts- the sky and the Harbor.  A sail boat on the left side and the Statue of Liberty on the right  side are almost in the same line with the horizon, which gives the image a good balance. The sky looks pretty clear except for a few cloud flakes. The dominant impression from this picture is  peaceful, tranquil and quite meditative. The reality effect is created by the reflection of the setting sun, the sailing boat, and rippling  Harbor water.

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Dorm View

ghost land

This photograph was taken March 21st out of a dorm room window at EHS student housing on 55 Clark street. The view is from the seventh floor and projects down Clark street facing east. This photograph was taken around 9:00 pm and slightly looks into Manhattan with the Brooklyn Bridge near the upper left edge. The dominate impression of this photograph is a rather calm representation of New York City with only a few cars traveling on the road outside of the dorm. The reflection of the room I am in projecting onto the window gives a rather ghostly effect as it almost cuts the photograph in half diagonally from the top left edge to the bottom right. In the bottom and center section of the photograph is Clark street lined with street lights. The lights have a glowing ray about them in that the light is spliced around 45 degrees and cast a solid ray that dissipates the further from the light the ray becomes. There are ten cars parked on the road with only one car traveling forward towards the camera because it is a one way street. Above the street there are several apartment buildings that almost blend together with New York City lights ending with a faint view of the Brooklyn bridge heading towards Manhattan. In the top right section of the photograph a clear reflection of a bunch bed behind me is painted. The bed is completely stripped in that a room mate I was supposed to get never moved in. A lamp behind the bed is projecting a white light which shines onto the blinds which are closed. The top edge of the photograph is also taken up by the reflection with a white ceiling the stretched across the entire top edge. In the center of the photograph is a fading reflection of a green wall and a bathroom door slightly opened with the bathroom light on inside. There is a strong reality effect in this picture with the reflection of my room and the view that looks out to New York. I am pleased with this photograph and how the reflection almost completely splits the photograph in half making it a very interesting picture.

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statue of John Harvard

523516_357495550963727_1036937178_nI took this photograph in 2011 while i was visiting Harvard university in Boston. I choose to post this image because i just remember how i felt after observing the statue of john Harvard. I noticed every single details of this statue that is made of sculpture in bronze. One most important and interesting thing about this image is if anyone notice carefully they will see in the statue of john Harvard his left foot is turning bronze to golden color. While I prepared my iPhone camera another Amazing thing i have noticed around  john Harvard statue is every single visitors (mostly students visitors) don’t go without touching his left foot because they think john Harvard is their inspiration. He is a honorific founder to everyone and to me as well . After visiting to the Harvard university and observing the statue i decided to go back to school and he is my inspiration. I took this photograph without using flash light.

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Snow on a tree

I took this photograph from my living room in January 2014.

I took this photograph from my living room in January 2014.

I took this photograph on January 2014 . On a winter morning i woke up from sleep and i walk down to my living room to check if its still snowing outside . While i moved my window curtain i noticed the natural beauty of snow that grab my attention . The moment i saw snow on a tree and the cars are covered up with snow i felt amazing and decided to capture the view in my iPhone. I really like the white effect of snow that create a beautiful color effect and different view of tree.

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Older building that has fire escapes and many tenants



I took this photo in Brooklyn, this building is an older model of what is seen in new building complexes of today. This building has fire escapes, and a elevator in comparison to the houses that neighbor it. This photo was taken on Kings Highway and 94th street. The studium of this photo is the view across the highway, three parked cars, the building entrance, the six floors of the apartment building, the fire escapes. the center of this photo holds the street lights. The frame of this photo cuts off the surrounding houses of the neighborhood, the sky above the building, and the identical building to the left.

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Downtown’s Clock Tower

Downtown’s Clock Tower, March 19, 2014, Joinel Sanchez

I took this photo from the window of my sister’s room, in the seventh floor of the apartment building in which I live in. The studium shows a building known as the Williamsburg Savings Bank Tower rising above the rest of the buildings in its vicinity. It towers over almost everything in the entire neighborhood of downtown Brooklyn. In the background one can see gloomy, cloudy skies cast behind the tower. The clouds seem to represent an extremely dark or somber mood. The trees, which have long since had their leaves robbed by the brutal winter, tend to give the photo an even drearier feel. The dominant impression seems to reflect a feeling of sadness or even depression, which is showed by overall dark atmosphere, caused by things such the grayish clouds that seem to dominate the sky. The frame is cutting out a few project buildings from my neighborhood, showing that the Williamsburg Savings Bank Tower is clearly of utmost importance in the image as opposed to some of the other smaller buildings

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Math problems


This photo was taken while i was doing a math problem in my calculus class. This is a photo of my bench where my pen, calculator and my notebook is on. The frame of the picture shows my notebook pen and my calculator. It shows the viewer its a picture of desk in a math class.The notebook has some math problems in it.It reminded me of a memory in my life. When I was 7 or 9 I remember my dad teaching me multiplications and division. I hated those maths and told my dad that this is the hardest math will ever go. My dad giggled and told me ‘Son, this is just the beginning. At one point when you grow up, you will do math with no numbers whatsoever’. I laughed and thought it as a joke. Now, it reminded me I am grown up and I am doing maths with letter. And Dad was right, little Tareq was wrong.


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My View

Manhattan, New York. March 15, 2014. Liliana Reyes

Manhattan, New York. March 15, 2014. Liliana Reyes

This picture was taken on March 15, 2014. I was at my apartment in East Harlem on the 5th floor. The studium in this picture consists of many things is why I personally liked it a lot. In this picture we see a garden, cars, people, a playground, and buildings. The frame allows us to see most of the picture while at the same time giving the reader a sense of where this picture was taken from, in this case a fire escape. The punctum of this photograph is my view, everyday I wake up and look through my window to see this. From my window I am able to see a lot !!


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